- Why had Vautrin been forgotten by the public for the past half century? 为什么在过去的半个世纪里魏特琳却被公众遗忘?
- These great technological advances of the past half century have transformed the scope of military operations. 在过去的半个世纪中所取得的这些巨大的科技进步已经改变了军事操作的范围。
- In the past half century,Xinjiang's economy and social undertakings have advanced by leaps and bounds. 五十年来,新疆经济和社会各项事业得到了迅速发展。
- In the past half century, Xinjiang's economy and social undertakings have advanced by leaps and bounds. 五十年来,新疆经济和社会各项事业得到了迅速发展。
- Overall, he said the changes reflect shifting attitudes about sex in Western societies over the past half century. 总体来说,他表示,这些变化反映的是在过去的半个世纪中西方社会性观念转变。
- In the past half century,our planet has become vastly more crowded,more interdependent,and more unstable. 在过去的半个世纪,这个行星已经开始变得拥挤,相互依赖和动荡。
- To Wang, You may find some of there help you know the history of futures trading during the past half century Tom Hieronymus. 你将发现该书会帮助你了解过去半个世纪期货交易的历史。
- Here visitors could forget that the two longtime enemies had traded possession of the peninsula several times in the past half century or so. 在这里,访客可以忘记这两个长久对立的敌国在过去约半个世纪以来,已经交相占领这个半岛好几次的事。
- The second half of the book is a retelling of some of the major economic events that have occurred over the past half century. 书籍的第二部分重新讲述了过去半个世纪中发生的重大经济事件。
- Yet the story of economics over the past half century is, to a large degree, the story of a retreat from Keynesianism and a return to neoclassicism. 然而,在过去半个世纪里的经济学史,在很大程度上,就是一个从凯恩斯主义撤退和对新古典主义回归的经济学史。
- As precursor to the present-day European Union (EU), the ECSC's existence over the past half century has transformed Europe and had a major impact upon the world. 欧洲煤钢共同体为欧洲联盟的前身,半个世纪以来,它的存在改变了欧洲,影响了世界。
- What's going on is a classic industry shakeout - not all that different from the shake-out of the American steel or auto industries over the past half century. 当前发生的是一场典型的行业震荡,和过去半个世纪中发生的美国钢铁或汽车产业的震荡没多大区别。
- But it is beyond doubt that the development of Tibet in the past half century has greatly changed its former poor and backward features, and laid a solid foundation for realizing a leapfrog development in its modernization drive. 但是,毫无疑问,五十年的发展已经极大地改变了昔日贫穷落后的面貌,为西藏现代化事业实现跨越式发展奠定了坚实的基
- The development survey of world VTOL power plant for the past half century is presented and VTOL power plant type, evolution and further development prospect are discussed in this paper. 介绍了半个世纪以来世界垂直起降动力装置发展的概况,阐述了垂直起降动力装置的类型、演进情况并展望了其发展前景。
- In this paper a brief review on the Value Engineering/Value Management(VE/VM),practice over the past half century is carried out, this review shows that there exerts an inevitability of the emergence of VE/VM theory. 对半个多世纪以来的价值工程/价值管理(Value Engineering/Value Management,VE/VM)的实践发展作了概要性回顾。
- In the past half century, our economic miracle has become well known thanks to the hard work and industriousness of the Taiwanese people.Nowadays, our high-tech products are also sold globally. 半世纪以来,由于台湾人民的勤奋与努力,我国以经济奇迹扬名世界、以高科技成就行销全球。
- In these novels that have tragic conflicts, the reactivation of literature traditions that were arisen in the past half century can be seen, for example religion and regression of realism in a way. 在这些具有悲剧性的小说里,可以看到发生在近现代的文学传统的复活,例如宗教的影响与现实主义在某种程度上的回归。
- In the past half century, the fast development of international economic integration not only promotes the liberalization of intra-regional trade, but also influences the direction of FDI flows. 国际经济一体化在过去半个世纪里得到了迅猛发展,它不但促进了区域内贸易的自由化,同时也对FDI的流向产生了很大影响。
- Effects of land water storage on global mean sea level over the past half century 陆地水存储对过去半个世纪全球平均海平面的影响
- A Retrospective of Development of Chinese Pear Industry and Science and Technology in the Past Half Century 半个世纪以来我国梨果产业与科技发展的回顾