- Relations between the pile foundation detection result and the quality grade evaluation 浅谈桩基检测结果与质量等级评定的关系
- the pile foundation detection 桩基检测
- This would be the prime concern for consideration of the pile foundation alternative. 这是选用桩柱地基所须考虑的首要问题。
- Summering the current study of the pile foundation under nonlinear loads in the world. 探讨了求解在轴向力作用下单桩非线性问题的数学方法。
- The dynamical test and the ultrasonic transmission are the main tests of the pile foundation now. 动力检测法和声波透射法是目前检验桩基础质量的主要形式。
- The pile foundation construction technique at dissolution lime-rock area for the trestle bridge of Huaqing Express Highway are introduced. 介绍花清高速公路高架桥在石灰岩溶岩地区的桩基础施工技术。
- A practical example of drainage culvert application to replace the pile foundation works for foundation treatment in a hydro-structure on mud ground base is presented. 主要介绍了在淤泥地基上建造水工建筑物时,利用排水涵管取代桩基础的工程实例。
- After that I chose the pile foundation form which is the most commonly used form at present, as it is advantageous in resisting a structure’s main body Subsiding and tilting. 基础采用了现在最常用的桩基础形式,因为他有利于抵抗结构主体的不均匀沉降和倾覆。
- The bored pile-group is used for the foundation of the main pylon piers and a drilling platform will be used as temporary facilities for construction of the pile foundation. 主塔墩基础采用钻孔灌注桩群桩基础,采用钻孔平台作为桩基施工临时设施。
- The pile of books flopped noisily onto the floor. 那摞书劈里啪啦地散落到地上。
- The pile of books toppled over onto the floor. 那一摞书倒在地上了。
- Result interpretation of pile foundation detection of one residential building 某住宅楼桩基检测结果分析
- The failure models of the pile foundation of the girder flume in the Li River are analyzed, the corresponding functional functions are established, and the reliability index of a single concrete pile is calculated. 摘要分析了澧河段梁式渡槽桩基础的破坏模式,建立了相应的功能函数,计算得出混凝土单桩的可靠指标。
- He gave the pile of tins a jog and they all fell down. 他轻轻一碰,那些罐子就都倒了。
- In this paper I apply Genetic Algorithms to solve the optimizing design problem of the pile foundation using Genetic Algorithms, anglicize the stability of the Soil-Nail by linking the Genetic Algorithms with the Projection Pursuit. 本文应用遗传算法解决桩基础的优化设计问题,将遗传算法与投影寻踪方法结合用于土钉支护的稳定性分析。
- Suzhou Hope Door is connected to a whole one by the pile foundation, big and small elliptical arches and cables, which influence and restrict each other under static and dynamic loads. 摘要苏州“希望之门”由桩基础、大椭圆拱、索、小椭圆拱连接结合成为一个整体,在荷载作用下相互影响、相互制约,受力十分复杂。
- This paper introduces some problems existing in the pile foundation drilling construction of the principle line viaduct of Jiajie Overpass, and advances some corresponding measures. 介绍了嘉节立交主线高架桥桩基钻孔施工中遇到的一些问题,提出了相应的措施。
- He plowed through the pile of books. 他费力地把那一堆书读下去。
- The pile of books toppled onto the floor. 这堆书倒在了地板上。
- This paper states the character, construction technology, applicable range and conditions of one of the piles foundation, rammed enlarged composite bearer pile. 本文阐述了作为桩基础形式之一的复合载体夯扩桩的特点,施工工艺,适用范围与条件。