- The place names of a region or language. 地名某地区或某语言的名字
- You can look up the place name in this map. 你可以在这张地图上查到这个地名。
- The place name above shall not be deemed as an administrative division in an enterprise name. 上述地名不视为企业名称中的行政区划。
- The term was derived from the place name, because so many merchants described themselves as Canaanites. 术语是源自一个地方,因为如此多的商人都把自己形容为迦南人。
- It actually reflects some usage characteristics of the place name,which can be mainly concluded as reality,unreality,generality and so on. 其实,这正反映了唐诗在地名使用上的一些特点,主要可以归纳为实指、虚指和泛指等几种情况。
- I came back the place named Fukuoka I left six years ago. 我又一次回到了6年前到过的福冈.
- The writer makes an attempt to expound that "fei" is the loan character of "hui" from the angle of phonology and then gives his idea of the true origin of the place name "Hefei". 并试图从音韵学角度阐述“肥”是“会”的假借字,进而提出“合肥”地名来源的一种说法。
- An administrative region may not be used as a shop name, unless the place name of an administrative region at or above the county level has other meanings. 行政区划不得用作字号,但县以上行政区划的地名具有其他含义的除外。
- The place name of Fujian has already, but the orchid that global love orchid person still does not have a Fujian place to produce cries " sword-leaved cymbidium " . 福建的地名早已有之,但是国内外的爱兰人还没有把福建所产的兰花叫“建兰”。
- The place used to be a stretch of barren land. 早先这里是一片不毛之地。
- The place is known for its handicraft products. 这地方因出手工艺品而出名。
- This was the origin of the place names and the start-point to study toponymy. 这是我国大地命名的开始,也是研究我国地名学的起点。
- And they took him to the place named Golgotha, which is, Dead Man's Head. 他们带耶稣到了各各他地方(各各他翻出来就是髑髅地),
- The place has a fine view of the lake. 从那个地方可看到湖泊的美丽景色。
- The place was fixed upon as exhibition grounds. 这个地方已被选定作为展览场所。
- But his birth place, there have different places in Tibetan history. the places name is Sharang, Angla and Doming. 作为藏传佛教史上有重要贡献的一代大师,他的出生地却有卫藏、夏卜愣、昂拉、多宁等多种说法。
- I shall be delighted to show you around the place. 我很高兴领你到处转转。
- She's left her books all over the place. 她把书到处乱放。
- I don't belong in the place like this. 待在像这样的地方不合我的身份。
- The e thnic etymology of the place name implies important clues of its historical culture, w hich is an area to which we should pay serious attention when we study an ethnic history . 地名的民族语源问题,蕴含了重要的历史文化线索,是我们探究民族史时需要认真关注的一个方面。