- the polarity of a magnet 磁体的极性
- Note the polarity of the voltage drop across R. 注意R上电压降的极性。
- Cell Reversal The reversal of the polarity of the terminals of a battery cell as the result of discharging. 电池倒相由放电引起的电池两端极性反转。
- Having the properties of a magnet. 具磁性德具有磁体的特性的
- Reversing the polarity of a key, such that material formerly keyed out will be keyed in, and vice versa. 反转一个键的性质,这样一来素材中先前是键出的将变为键入,反之亦然。
- The polar line of a point with respect to a conic. 一点相对于一条二次曲线的极线。
- There are many teachers of ascension who think that reversing the polarity of a life from disease to health or poverty to wealth is ascension. 有许多提升老师认为生活极性的反转例如从疾病到健康或从贫穷到富裕就是提升。
- The lines of force of a magnetic field. 磁力磁场的磁力线
- He got the polarity of the battery reversed. 他把电池两极弄反了。
- It shows the presence of a magnetic field. 这表明有磁场存在。
- Passing the tip of a wand reader over a magnetically encoded stripe of a merchandise ticket, credit card, or employee badge. 将条形码读入器的端部在商品标签、信用卡和雇员证的磁性编码条纹上扫掠以读入信息。
- The polarization of a thundercloud may thus be due to the rates at which large and small raindrops fall. 雷雨层的极化作用可能是由于大小雨滴降落的比例而产生的。
- A piece of soft iron connecting the poles of a magnet. 衔铁一片连接磁极的软铁
- The cake we made was somewhat of a failure. 我们做的蛋糕不大成功。
- Similarly, the properties of a qubit are independent of its specific physical representation as the spin of an atomic nucleus, say, or the polarization of a photon of light. 同样地,一个量子位元的性质也独立于特定的物理表现系统,例如原子核的自旋态或光子的偏振。
- The polarity of the ends of the open-circuit conductor may then be deduced. 这样就可以断定开路导体两端的极性。
- He doubles the parts of a farmhand and a miner. 在这出戏里他既扮演雇农又扮演矿工。
- How, then, does EMR work in the absence of a magnetic material? 如果这样,那EMR为何不需要磁性材料?
- The polarity of electrified clouds has been a source of puzzlement and controversy for several hundred years. 起电云的极性问题几百年来一直令人困惑和争论不休。
- The polar bear's habitat is the icy waters of the Arctic. 北极熊的栖息地是冰冷的北极海域。