- the policy of united front 统战政策
- The application of the policy of armed resistance and of the above measures depends on this united front. 执行抗战的方针和上述各项政策,依靠这个联合阵线。
- First,as soon as the policy of the united front was put forward by the Chinese Communist Party,it won the approval of the people everywhere. 第一个证据,是还在中国共产党开始提出统一战线政策的时候,就立即得到了全国人民的赞同。
- The policy of our Party is consecutive. 我党的政策始终如一。
- However, shortly afterwards, under the influence of the correct policy of the CPC and the effective work of united front, and also driven by their own patriotism, many of them returned. 但不久后,在中国共产党的正确政策及卓有成效的统战工作影响下,加以本身爱国心之驱动,其中不少人又回归内地。
- At the same time,there are many others who cannot carry out the policy of expanding the united front,because they oversimplify matters and consider the entire Kuomintang to be quite hopeless and are therefore at a loss what to do. 同时,又有许多人不能执行发展统一战线工作的政策,因为他们把国民党简单地看成漆黑一团,表示束手无策。
- It is an error of "Left" closed-doorism to regard the bourgeoisie in China as being the same as in the capitalist countries,and consequently to neglect the policy of forming a united front with the bourgeoisie and maintaining it for as long as possible. 这种错误,把中国的资产阶级和资本主义国家的资产阶级看作一样,因而忽视同资产阶级建立统一战线并尽可能保持这个统一战线的政策,这就是“左”倾关门主义。
- However,the sole purpose,of the policy of dealing blows to the capitulators and the anti-Communist die-hards is to keep up the resistance to Japan and safeguard the anti-Japanese united front. 但是这种给投降派和反共顽固派以打击的政策,全是为了坚持抗日,全是为了保护抗日统一战线。
- However, the sole purpose, of the policy of dealing blows to the capitulators and the anti-Communist die-hards is to keep up the resistance to Japan and safeguard the anti-Japanese united front. 但是这种给投降派和反共顽固派以打击的政策,全是为了坚持抗日,全是为了保护抗日统一战线。
- The policy of the two blocs was played out. 把世界分为两个集团的政策已经过时了。
- They are organs of political power for carrying out the policy of the Anti-Japanese National United Front and should unite all the forces of the people to fight against our sole enemy,Japanese imperialism,and its jackals,the traitors and reactionaries. 这个政权是实行抗日民族统一战线政策的,它应该团结一切人民的力量,向唯一的敌人日本帝国主义及其走狗汉奸反动派作斗争。
- On the policy of greater benevolence. 重点应当放在大仁政上。
- They are organs of political power for carrying out the policy of the Anti-Japanese National United Front and should unite all the forces of the people to fight against our sole enemy, Japanese imperialism, and its jackals, the traitors and reactionaries. 这个政权是实行抗日民族统一战线政策的,它应该团结一切人民的力量,向唯一的敌人日本帝国主义及其走狗汉奸反动派作斗争。
- WTO Doha Round reformed the policy of Blue Box. WTO多哈回合农业谈判对“蓝箱”政策进行了改革。
- The term "Liberalist Bourgeoisie" is interrelated with the theory of wide development of capitalism and the policy of uniting the intermediate forces. “自由资产阶级”的概念与“广大发展资本主义”的思想及联合中间势力的政策密切相关。
- If this policy were not accepted as the policy of the Government, I should feel it my duty to appeal to Caesar. 如果这一政策不被采纳为政府的政策,那么我有责任诉诸国民公决。
- The study of the policies of the Soviet government. 克里姆林学,苏联问题研究对苏联政府政策的研究
- We must act in line with the policy of the party. 我们必须同党的政策保持一致。
- The policy of the government was criticized. 政府的政策受到批评。
- But what was the policy of maximum benevolence? 但是,什么是最大的仁政呢?