- They form the key link in our work for the present period. 这是我们这一时期工作的纲。
- The editorial further defined the key task for the present period. 这篇社论进一步明确了当前的中心任务。
- In the present period our basic slogan is "Total resistance by the whole nation". 在这个时期中,我们的基本口号就是“全面的全民族的抗战”。
- In what respect does the present period differ from 1927 when Chiang Kai-shek betrayed the revolution? 现在的时期,同一九二七年蒋介石叛变革命的时期有什么分别呢?
- In the present period, every effort must be concentrated on combating fascist enslavement. 在目前时期,一切力量须集中于反对法西斯奴役。
- The experience of the period of the ten years' civil war is the best and most pertinent for the present period, the War of Resistance Against Japan. 十年内战时期的经验,是现在抗日时期的最好的和最切近的参考。
- For the present period,New Democracy,and for the future,socialism;these are two parts of an organic whole,guided by one and the same communist ideology. 在现在,新民主主义,在将来,社会主义,这是有机构成的两部分,而为整个共产主义思想体系所指导的。
- With the plan, put forward in this thesis, we have maken driver.Running independently, the result has satisfactorily reached the requirement of program for the present period. 用本文提出的方案所编制的驱动程序,经过其独立运行,取得了较好 的效果,达到了本阶段的设计要求。
- The verb is in the present tense. 这个动词使用的是现在时态。
- The present law makes no provision for this. 现行的法律对此未作任何规定。
- Yet again in the present period,the War of Resistance,all organization and struggle in the rear areas of the anti-Japanese forces and in the areas occupied by the enemy are directly or indirectly co-ordinated with the war. 再如现在抗日战争时期,抗日军后方的和敌军占领地的一切组织和斗争,也同样是直接或间接地配合战争的。
- She sent me the present by parcel post. 她用邮包把礼物寄给了我。
- He was delighted with the present you sent. 他因你们所送的礼物而感到愉快。
- In the effort to build a socialist society that is ideologically and culturally advanced and to promote the socialist cause as a whole,and particularly during the present period of change,they are charged with the heavy responsibility of educating people. 在当前这个转变时期,在社会主义精神文明建设和整个社会主义建设事业中,他们在思想教育方面的责任尤其重大。
- In the present period of historical change,when problems have piled up and a thousand things wait to be done,it is crucial for us to strengthen the leadership of the Party and correct its work style. 在目前的历史转变时期,问题堆积成山,工作百端待举,加强党的领导,端正党的作风,具有决定的意义。
- For the present we are made a general checkup. 目前,我们正做总的检查。
- The present situation is nothing if not fine. 现在的形势好极了。
- In the present period of historical change, when problems have piled up and a thousand things wait to be done, it is crucial for us to strengthen the leadership of the Party and correct its work style. 在目前的历史转变时期,问题堆积成山,工作百端待举,加强党的领导,端正党的作风,具有决定的意义。
- It is also increasingly found in the present tense. 这种用法现亦逐渐多见於现在时态。
- How long has the present director been at the helm? 现任主任掌权多久了?