- She wore her hair in the prevailing fashion. 她以流行的式样蓄了头发。
- He wore his hair in the prevailing fashion. 他的头发梳的是当时盛行的发型。
- She wore her hair in the prevailing fashion and looked ever prettier. 她梳了一个流行的发型,看起来越发标致了。
- Its response is a bundle of initiatives called, with the prevailing fashion, "Dell 2.0". 作为回应,戴尔以势不阻挡之势推出一系列时尚风行的称作“戴尔2.;0”的市场策略。
- He knew much about America and was skillful in adjusting his arguments to the prevailing fashions. 他对美国很了解,善于使他的论据适应于风行的时尚。
- The prevailing wind here is from the south-west. 这里最常刮的风是西南风。
- Being in or conforming to the prevailing or current fashion; stylish. 流行的符合流行的或现时的式样的; 时髦的
- This really is the prevailing idea of Main Street. 这实际上是《大街》的主导思想。
- Thrift has become the prevailing practice. 节约成风。
- Yellow is the prevailing color in her room. 黄色是她房间的主色。
- The prevailing wind trends east-northeast. 强风转向东北偏东方向
- Almost the prevail singers were very short-lived. 大多数的流行歌手都是昙花一现。
- The price is less than half the prevailing world sugar price of nearly$800 per metric ton. 这个价格少于当前世界现行糖价每公吨约800美元的一半。
- the prevailing fashion 流行时装
- Yellow is the prevailing colour in her room. 黄颜色是她房间里的主要颜色。
- Even Ted was affected by the prevailing mood. 甚至特德也受到那个蔓延的情绪的影响。
- Out of line with the prevailing market level. 是指与现行行市不相符合。
- The prevailing current flows from east to west. 主道的水流是自东往西的。
- The prevailing wind here is from the south west. 这里最常刮的风是西南风。
- Whether fashion doth not create appetites; and whether the prevailing will of a nation is not the fashion? 时尚是否创造欲望?一个国家普遍的意志是否就是时尚?