- the proposition of Marx Weber “韦伯命题”
- Though the thoughts on religious sociology of Marx Weber had been got all kinds of judgment from the acad... 尽管学术界对韦伯宗教社会学思想的评价褒贬不一,但其学术思想直到今天影响力仍然极为深远。
- From the theoretical view point, his history of social power is the continuation of Marx Weber's" Social Prototype" study. 他的社会权力史别出心裁、心独具,理论上讲是马克思·伯“社会理想型”研究方法的延续。
- It can be concluded that the concept of scientific development "humanism" meet the logic demand of Marx's proposition of "human being's free and overall development". 由此可以得出,“以人为本”的科学发展观,也是“人的自由而全面的发展”这一马克思主义最高命题的逻辑要求。
- At last, the study puts forward the proposition of founding GESS. 最后,提出了建立广东省大学毕业生就业服务体系的构想。
- Lenin restored the views of Marx and Engels in regard to the state. 列宁恢复了马克思和恩格斯关于国家的看法。
- The proposition is a picture of reality. 01命题是现实的图画。命题是我们想象的现实的模型。
- Why Isn't The Proposition of "One Dividing Into Three" Accepted in The Philosophical World? "一分为三"命题在哲学上为何得不到承认?
- With the proposition of advanced encryption standard (AES), the block cipher mode of operation becomes a popular topic again. 随着高级加密标准AES的提出,分组密码工作模式的研究再度成为人们关注的热门问题。
- I had hitherto kept the proposition of my setting up a secret in Philadelphia, and I still kept it. 我的开店计划,在费城是保密的,现在我仍保守著。
- The proposition of "humanity" has conformed with the developing state of educational reform. 摘要“人文性”的提出,合乎了教育改革的发展态势。
- The proposition of EPR problem is the direct result of the debate between Einstein and Bohr. EPR 问题的提出是爱因斯坦-玻尔争论的直接结果。
- Lenin carried further the ideas of Marx and Engels. 列宁发展了马克思和恩格斯的思想。
- The first part ,The theory of the preface, introduce the proposition of this text, the research approach and meaning. 第一部分,序论,介绍本文论题,研究方法以及意义。
- The life of Marx is remarkably well documented. 马克思的生平有极翔实可靠的文献作证。
- Senior figures in the organising committee are convinced that the prospect of a move to Stratford has been used to sweeten the proposition of investing in the Hammers. 申奥委员会高级官员们相信如果将主场迁到特拉福德将会使得投资西汉姆联的投资更加有吸引力。
- The proposition of "Anti-Gresham's Law" makes people reexamine the competition of the currency in the credit system of paper currency. “逆格雷欣法则”的提出将使人们重新审视在信用纸币制度下的货币竞争问题。
- Meanwhile, put forward the proposition of legislation about Science structuring of range of the charge of civil action . 即任何利害关系人都有权按照法律规定的程序,请求法院保护被侵犯或有争议的权利或合法利益,法院不得拒绝请求。
- The proposition that "map is a spatial cognitive tool of human being" is a basic proposition of the theory and cognitive map is its core conception. 地图空间认知理论是地图学的基础理论,其基本命题是"地图是人类空间认知工具",核心概念是认知地图。
- The proposition of the scientific development view has realized the sublating and surmounting of the traditional development thought. 科学发展观的提出实现了对传统发展思想的扬弃与超越,是与时俱进的科学发展观。