- She didn'tfind the lack of a car any great privation. 她觉得没有汽车并非重大缺憾。
- He is the prototype of good breeding. 他是具有良好教养的典范。
- She caught sight of a car in the distance. 她一眼瞥见远处的汽车。
- This assistant thought the book was the prototype of a whole literary genre. 这名助手认为此书乃是整个一种文学体裁的原型。
- Expense per mile,as for the use of a car. 每英里的费用,用于汽车
- I was woken by the noise of a car starting up. 我被汽车的启动声吵醒了。
- They bundled her into the back of a car. 他们把她塞进了车后座。
- "Design appraisement" denotes the overall checking and examination of the functions of the prototype of a new measurement product. 定型鉴定是指对计量器具新产品样机的计量性能进行全面审查、考核。
- Design appraisement denotes the overall checking and examination of the functions of the prototype of a new measurement product. 定型鉴定是指对计量器具新产品样机的计量性能进行全面审查、考核。
- The wheels of a car rotate as it moves along. 汽车前行时轮子转动。
- The prototype of a Line - doubler system was finally implemented in hardware using FPGA (Field Programmable Gate Array) technology. 根据这种自适应处理的思想,用FPGA(现场可编程逻辑器件)进 行原形开发。
- The couple are wavering over the purchase of a car. 夫妻俩在买还是不买小汽车这件事情上举棋不定。
- The prototype of a fuly implantable artificial heart on display at the biomedical firm Carmat in Suresnes, west of Paris, Oct. 27, 2008. 10月27日,法国科学家在法国苏雷斯尼向人们展示了他研制的世界上第一颗完全可移植式人造心脏。
- The photo shows the prototype of Harrier. 上图显示了鹞的原型机。
- He hurried across the road in front of a car. 他匆匆地赶在一辆汽车前面穿过了马路。
- The IAU further resolves that Pluto is a dwarf planet by the above definition and is recognized as the prototype of a new category of Trans-Neptunian Objects. 根据上述的定义,国际天文联会进一步决定将冥王星拨归为矮行星,并成为其中一类海王星外天体的原型。
- She catches a glimpse of a car in the distance. 她一眼就瞥见了远处的汽车。
- The cytoplasmic polyhedrosis virus of the silkworm is the prototype of a large group of animal, plant, fungal and bacterial viruses that contain segmented double stranded RNA. 以双链核糖核酸为基因组的病毒寄主范围很广,如哺乳动物的呼肠病毒,昆虫的细胞质多角体病毒,植物的水稻矮缩病毒,以及某些微生物的病毒,已经发现有十余种之多。
- A car suddenly shot out of a side road and nearly hit me. 有一辆汽车冷不防从岔道上冲出,险些撞著我。
- Comedy, eclogue with the prototype of reunited poem. 喜剧、牧歌和团圆诗的原型。