- What is the range of the pelagic environment? 水层环境的范围是什么?
- The enemy plane flew out of the range of our guns. 敌机已飞出我们机枪射程之外了。
- The enemy plane got out of the range of our guns. 敌机超出了我们炮火的射程范围。
- They exhibit the range of the liberal arts. 他们开示了一套君子之道。
- It has come within the range of practical politics. 这就属于可实施性政治的范围了。
- Restricting the range of application of the noun modified. 加以限定的用来修饰名词范围的
- Gets or sets the minimum value of the range of the control. 获取或设置控件范围的最小值。
- The range of the U, B, V, R, and I filter passbands are also shown. U、B、V、R、I是指电磁光谱的五个波段。
- It was Bagehot who broadened the range of the paper into politics. 威尔森对未来的展望当然是充满道德期望的,但绝不是道学的。
- The full range of type of the same design. 同一种图案的铅字的全范围
- The confidence interval is the range of the estimate we are making. 置信区间是所确定的估计值的取值范围。
- Gets or sets the maximum value of the range of the control. 获取或设置控件范围的最大值。
- Gets the upper bound of the range of invalid indexes. 获取无效索引范围的上限。
- The starting index of the range of elements to clear. 要清除的一系列元素的起始索引。
- Specifies a value that is not in the range of the array. 指定一个不在数组范围中的值。
- The range of this plant is East Asia. 这种植物的产地在东亚。
- VERT Sets the range of the vertical scroll bar of the window. 指定了要设置的滚动条。这个参数可以取下列值
- What is the range of this telescope? 这架望远镜的有效距离多大?
- Age affects the range of a person's capabilities. 年龄影响着一个人能力的大小。
- This was outside the range of his experience. 这超出了他的阅历。