- The record of the plow was insignificant. 这个耕作的记载是不重要的。
- Wang Jun-xia broke the record of the world. 王军霞打破了世界记录。
- Who holds the record of the high jump? 谁是跳高记录的保持者?
- He holds the record of the high jump. 他保持跳高的最高记录。
- How long will the recording of the song take? 录下这首歌得花多少时间?
- The records of the meeting had been tampered with. 会议记录已被人擅自改动。
- Sale for 1993 equal the record of 1990. 1993年的销售与1990年的最高记录持平。
- The record of my simple life in Neu Ulm, Germany! 生活记述及学习绘画的纪录!!
- This happens to be the record of Rick Guerin. 他的名字是瑞克?吉林。
- Rejection spoils the record of corneal grafts. 排斥反应影响了角膜移植的效果。
- To break the record of yourself. 打破自己的记录!
- I'm running down the records of the past ten years. 我正在调查过去十年的记录。
- Road accidents in 1992 equal the record of 1990. 1992年公路事故与1990年数字持平。
- The recording of data about specific events. 把有关特定事件的数据记录下来的做法。参阅datalogging。
- Table 7 is the record of Stan Perlmeter. 表7是史坦.;波尔米塔(StanPerlmeter)的投资业绩。
- The record of his life is covered from Genesis 11:26 to 25:10. 创世纪11;26至25:10节中概括了他的生平。
- the record of environment 全新世环境记录
- Keep the records of R &D output. 保持设计和开发输出的记录。
- The winner will split the record of 370 million-dollar jackpot. 赢家将打破370,000,000美元累计赌注的记录。
- The system is out of environment space. 系统环境空间不足。