- To follow the regulations of this port. 遵守港章。
- Without legal provision, have the regulation of code only. 没有法律规定,只有法规的规定。
- The regulation of loanword uses,however,has not been satisfactory. 但是外来词的规范使用问题并没有得到有效的解决。
- the regulation of affairs 事务管理
- An agreement between the pope and a government for the regulation of church affairs. 政教协约罗马教皇与政府间关于管理宗教事务的约定
- The present state of affairs cannot be allowed to go on. 目前的情况不得再继续下去了。
- It's wrong of you to get around the regulation. 你存心规避规章制度是不对的。
- The quality of the fuel oil meets the regulation of annex. 油品质量符合马普尔条约附件的规定。
- What a shocking state of affairs! 局势真惊人哪!
- The regulation of that school is too strict to be abided. 这个学校的校规太严格了,很难遵守。
- What is the actual position of affairs? 事情的实际情况如何?
- Here, we studied the regulation of HPO gene expression. 本项目对HPO基因在转录水平的调控进行了研究。
- The regulations do not admit of our doing that. 按照规定我们不能这样做。
- The present state of affairs is quite heartening. 目前的形势令人鼓舞。
- Much has been accomplished this year in the regulation of food supplies. 粮食调剂今年有了不少的成绩。
- The regulation of Article36 of every two weeks a two days rest is exempt here. 三二周内至少有二日之休息,作为例假,不受第三十六条之限制。
- There is no excuse for this chaotic state of affairs. 事情弄得如此之乱,已经没有什么理由可说了。
- A policy has to be passed for the regulation of prices of daily necessities. 有必要通过一项政策以调节日常用品的价格。
- The reform has hardly made a scratch upon the cuticle of affairs. 改革几乎还没有触到事物的表皮。