- We must think of ways to combat the rising prices. 我们应该想办法解决物价上涨的问题。
- The government takes no step to control the rising price. 政府未采取措施抑制物价上涨。
- People are always complaining about the rising price. 人们总是抱怨着不断上涨的物价。
- People now are faced with the rising prices. 人们现在面临着物价上涨的问题。
- The drought could result in the rising price of the grain and bring out the pestilence & plague of locusts. 旱灾造成粮价上涨,还会诱发疫灾和蝗灾;
- One factor to consider would be what other companies in the industry are doing to respond to the rising price of oil. 一个要考虑的因素就是同业的其他公司如何因应油价的高涨。
- High labor costs are the culprit for the rising prices. 高劳动成本是物价上涨的原因。
- On the meanwhile,the rising price also reflects the characteristic of the medical marke... 由此,应把制度完善和信息公开作为卫生体制改革的后续政策。
- There were a lot of complaints about the rising prices. 人们对物价上涨颇有怨言。
- Shipbuilding is still big business in Nagasaki, and order books are full until 2009, but the rising price of steel means worries about margins. 造船仍是长崎的重要支柱,目前订单已经接至2009年,但受钢材价格上涨的影响,对其利润有很大的影响。
- That is partly because their economies are growing faster, and partly because their consumers are shielded from the rising price through subsidies. 部分原因是由于其经济增长迅猛,还有一部分原因是因为消费者得到了补贴,未受油价上涨的冲击。
- But the rising price of oil has also meant, accoring to Stiglitz and Bilmes, that the cost to oil-importing industrial countries in Europe and the Far East is now about $1.1trn. 而在斯蒂格利茨和比尔梅斯看来,油价的上涨同样也意味着欧洲和远东的石油进口工业国要支付大约1.;1万亿美元。
- The market have not recover from the rise in oil price. 市场还未从上涨的石油价格中得到恢复。
- The rising level of crime is a sign of the times. 犯罪率增高是这一时代的特徵。
- Mrs Smith teaches the rising fives. 史密斯夫人教那些快五岁的儿童。
- The government's new laws have had little effect on rising prices. 政府的新法令对上涨的物价没有起到什么作用。
- The rise in prices was a signal for rebellion. 物价上涨引起了叛乱。
- In poetry the rose is often a metaphor for love. 玫瑰在诗中通常作为爱的象征。
- With the rising price of liquefied petroleum gas,it's the tendency of the heat treatment industry to use natural gas instead of liquefied petroleum gas to make the endothermic gas. 液化气价格的上涨以及其储存站的消防安全隐患,使得天然气替代液化气作为热处理原料气已成为热处理行业发展的趋势。
- The only answer to rising prices if to return to wage and price controls. 解决物价不断上涨问题的惟一对策就是重新实行对工资和价格的控制。