- The Contractor shall promptly arrange their removal, at the risk and cost of the Contractor. 承包商应迅速自行承担风险和费用,安排将他们运走。
- He is not aware of the risk and danger in his trip. 他没有意识到旅行中的风险。
- What are the risks and side effects of CK? 有那些危险和副作用?
- Responsible for identifying the risk and control. 负责识别公司运行的风险和进行相关的控制。
- Customers are normally reluctant to incur the risks and costs of changing their existing repertoire of suppliers. 通常客户是不愿意为改变他们现有的全部供应商而产生风险和成本的。
- Dr Elliott said even halving insulin injections made the transplants worthwhile because of the risks and costs of total dependence on injections. 埃利奥特博士说,即使将胰岛素注射液的用量减半,移植猪细胞也是值得的,因为完全依速胰岛素注射的风险很大,代价很高。
- However if the parties wish to include in the seller's obligations the risks and costs of the handling of the goods from the quay to another place (warehouse, terminal, transport station, etc. ) in or outside the port, the DDU or DDP terms should he used. 但是,如果当事方希望卖方负担将货物从码头运至港口以内或以外的其他点(仓库、终点站、运输站等)的义务时,则应使用DDU或DDP术语。
- The two parties shall split the risks and profits. 双方应共担风险并共享利润。
- Purposes of services: To decrease the risks and costs of establishing businesses, increase the rate of business survival and success, and to cultivate successful technological enterprises and entrepreneurs. 服务宗旨降低创业风险和成本,提高初创企业的成活率和成功率,培育成功的科技企业和企业家。
- CSDs and CCPs should provide market participants with sufficient information for them to identify and evaluate accurately the risks and costs associated with using the CSD or CCP services. 证券集中保管机构及集中交易对手应提供市场参加者充分资讯,使其能准确地辨识及评估其使用该证券集中保管机构或集中交易对手所提供服务的风险与成本。
- Or, conversely, by tying games together into a small number of "soft platforms", publishers will be able to increase the chances of success and reduce the risks and costs for individual games. 否则,相反的,通过把游戏配合到少数"软平台",发布商将能增加成功的机会和减少个体游戏上花销的风险。
- Join in with us and take the risk. 来和我们一起冒这次风险吧。
- Outsourced testing provides your company with the highest quality standards, at the lowest risk and cost. 外包测试可以用最低的风险与成本为企业提供最高质量标准的服务。
- The Employer shall, at his risk and cost, provide these materials at the time and place specified in the Contract. 雇主应自担风险和自付费用按照合同中规定的时间和地点提供这些材料。
- The Contractor shall, at his risk and cost, provide any apparatus necessary for his use of these services and for measuring the quantities consumed. 承包商应自担风险和自付费用,为此类设施的使用以及所消耗的数量的测定提供任何必需的仪器。
- Surmounting the risks and fears of some may be difficult. 解除某些人的疑虑可能是困难的。
- the risk and cost 风险和成本
- If we smuggle this brandy we take the risk of being caught and fined. 如果我们偷偷地把这瓶白兰地酒拿出去,我们将冒被抓住并罚款的危险。
- But there are hidden risks and costs associated with BIPV, Schmidtke says. 不过, 光电一体化建筑也有其隐性的风险和成本。
- I don't want to run the risk of meeting John. 我可不想冒遇见约翰的危险。