- The roar of guns reverberated in the valley. 炮声响彻山谷。
- And I'm not ashamed to say the roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry. 而且我并不会觉得羞愧的说,枪的咆哮和榴弹炮的轰鸣声几乎让我想哭。
- The roar of the train reverberated in the tunnel. 火车的轰隆声在隧道里回荡。
- The roar of guns and cannons almost made me cry 隆隆的枪炮声几乎把我吓哭了
- I could barely hear above the roar of traffic. 除了过往车辆的轰鸣声,我几乎什么也听不见。
- The roar of a large animal, such as a bull. 牛吼大型动物的吼叫声,如公牛
- The roar of traffic outside annoyed him. 外面交通的喧哗声烦扰了他。
- The roar of the explosion was stupendous. 爆炸的响声震耳欲聋。
- They drove away from the city centre, the roar of the traffic still dinning in their ears. 他们驶出了市中心,但车来人往的喧嚣声仍在耳中回响。
- Her voice was drowned by the roar of the traffic. 她的说话声被车辆的轰鸣声压倒了。
- The roar of a large animal,such as a bull. 牛吼大型动物的吼叫声,如公牛。
- Hear truth in the roar of raging waters. 从飞湍鸣涧中听到真理的声音。
- the roar of guns 大炮的轰鸣声
- The distant rumbling of guns awoke us. 远处的炮声隆隆吠叫了我们。
- At "Buns and Guns" you can order a "Kalashnikov" sandwich from a bullet-shaped menu, prepared by chefs in military fatigues with the roar of explosions as background music. 在“包子和枪支”饭店,你可以从子弹形的菜单上,订上一份由身着军装的厨师在作为背景音乐的爆炸轰鸣声中为你准备的“卡拉什尼科夫”三明治。
- The roar of city traffic is a steady assault on one's nerves. 市区车辆的喧嚣声不停地刺激着神经。
- His voice was drowned out By the roar of the machine. 他的声音被机器的轰鸣声所掩盖。
- She was frightened by the roars of a lion. 她被狮子的吼叫声吓呆了。
- She could hear the roar of the truck motors outside on the mall. 她一醒来就听到外面林荫道上来来往往的卡年轰隆声。
- The roar of the motor drowned out the distant noises of battle. 马达的轰鸣掩没了远处战斗的喧嚣。