- In the seat of one's truest feelings. 在某人最真实的感情之处
- There's too much shine on the seat of these old trousers. 这条裤子臀部磨得太亮了。
- It is an act of reverence to the seat of life. 这是我们对生命发源地应有的崇敬。
- The seat of my trousers is worn. 我的裤子的臀部磨破了。
- I've worn the seat of this skirt thin. 我已经把这条裙子的臀部磨薄了。
- Descartes called it the Seat of the Soul. 笛卡儿(法国哲学家、数学家,1596-1690)称它为灵魂的所在地。
- Holmes examined the seat of the chair carefully. 福尔摩斯仔细端详这张椅子的座面。
- Washington is the seat of government of the US. 华盛顿是美国政府所在地。
- He ran the business by the seat of his pants. 他凭经验和直觉做生意
- Shanghai is one of the seat of commerce in China. 上海是中国的一个商业中。
- The seat of Congress in Washington DC. 华盛顿特区的国会所在地。
- The seat of intelligence; brains. 智力,头脑智力的活动中心; 头脑
- The seat of his pants was worn through. 他的裤子的臀部已磨穿。
- The seat of pity or the gentler emotions. 慈悲心肠,怜悯之情
- The seat of the chair is broken. 这把椅子的椅座坏了。
- The heart is the seat of the emotions. 心是感情之所在
- The brain is said to be the seat of reason. 据称大脑是理性的所在。
- It is the seat of Choson University (founded 1946). 为朝鲜大学(建于1946)所在地。
- None of us had seen an emergency like this and we were all flying by the seat of our pants. 我们谁都没有遇到过这种紧急情况,只好凭感觉驾驶飞机。
- Many pilots in World War I had to fly by the seat of their pants. 第一次世界大战期间,许多飞行员都是凭直觉而不是靠仪表飞行的。