- The value-added of the secondary industry was 5,298.2 billion yuan,up by 9.9 percent. 第二产业增加值52982亿元,增长9.;9%25。
- The value-added of the secondary industry was 5,298.2 billion yuan, up by 9.9 percent. 第二产业增加值52982亿元,增长9.;9%25;
- Investment in the secondary industry was 1,070.3 billion yuan,up by 22.9 percent,showing the trend of accelerated growth. 第二产业投资10703亿元,增长22.;9%25,呈加速增长态势。
- Of which,the growth of the primary industry is 3%,and that of the secondary industry is 9.1%,and that of the tertiary industry is 6.8%. 其中,第一产业增长3%25;第二产业增长9.;1%25第三产业增长6
- Of which, the growth of the primary industry is 3%,and that of the secondary industry is 9.1%, and that of the tertiary industry is 6.8%. 其中,第一产业增长3%25;第二产业增长9.;1%25第三产业增长6
- Investment in the secondary industry was 1,070.3 billion yuan, up by 22.9 percent, showing the trend of accelerated growth. 第二产业投资10703亿元,增长22.;9%25,呈加速增长态势;
- The value-added of the secondary industry was 3,915.0 billion Yuan,up by 9.2 percent,and that of the tertiary industry was 2,610.4 billion Yuan,up by 7.6 percent. 第二产业增加值39150亿元,增长9.;2%25;第三产业增加值26104亿元,增长7
- The value-added of the secondary industry was 3,915.0 billion Yuan, up by 9.2 percent, and that of the tertiary industry was 2,610.4 billion Yuan, up by 7.6 percent. 第二产业增加值39150亿元,增长9.;2%25;第三产业增加值26104亿元,增长7
- Energy consumption predominated in the cities, since the secondary industry is dominant in Suzhou and the secondary industry arid tertiary industry are dominant in Shenzhen. 能源消费是影响两市生态足迹大小的最主要因素,这主要是因为苏州市的主要产业以第二产业为主,而深圳市以第二产业和第三产业为主。
- Of the newly approved foreign investment contracts in 1998, the primary industry took up 2.3%, the secondary industry 64.6%, and the tertiary industry 33.1%, among which real property projects accounted for 7.9%. 1998年,在新批合同外资金额中,第一产业占2.;3%25,第二产业占64
- By the end of 2001,the total of employed people in Beijing numbered 6.20 million,of which,people employed in the primary industry,the secondary industry and the tertiary industry numbered 724,000,2.03 million and 3.446 million respectively. 年末,全市从业人员620 万人,其中第一、二、三产业从业人员分别为72.;4万人、203万人和344
- Of the newly approved foreign investment contracts in 1998,the primary industry took up 2.3%,the secondary industry 64.6%,and the tertiary industry 33.1%,among which real property projects accounted for 7.9%. 1998年,在新批合同外资金额中,第一产业占2.;3%25,第二产业占64
- By the end of 2001, the total of employed people in Beijing numbered 6.20 million, of which, people employed in the primary industry, the secondary industry and the tertiary industry numbered 724,000, 2.03 million and 3.446 million respectively. 年末,全市从业人员620 万人,其中第一、二、三产业从业人员分别为72.;4万人、203万人和344
- The absorbing forces in rural and urban area use one liner regression model predicting the absorbing power of the secondary industry and the tertiary industry in rural region and the urban as a whole. 城乡吸纳力主要运用一元线性回归模型分别预测了农村第二产业、第三产业和城镇总体对农业劳动力的吸纳能力;
- The paper lays emphasis on the secondary industry and analyzes the disparity of growth effect among industries in East,Middle and West part of China by using KALDOR model. 同时以工业为重点,运用Kaldor模型分析了我国东、中、西三大地区工业部门增长效应的差异。
- Therefore, government could draw firms in the main industry via intervening the surplus allocation but can t influence the location choices of firms in the secondary industries. 亦即,政府无法藉由干预剩馀分配的比例来影响次要产业的区位选择,但还是能透过干预政策影响主要产业的区位。
- Where did you attend the secondary school? 在哪里上高中?
- Master databases from the primary to the secondary. 数据库从主服务器还原到辅助服务器。
- Function is provided for the secondary mapping. 函数是为第二个映射提供的。
- Control of the secondary pollution. 控制二次污染。