- The sense of self efficiency in adult teaching and its cultivation 成人教学中的自我效能感及其培养
- It could be the decreased activity in the brain's parietal lobe, which helps regulate the sense of self and physical orientation, research suggests. 研究表明可能是脑部顶叶活动减少引起,顶叶帮助控制自我和身体方向感。
- He tried to beat out the sense of every word and phrase. 他试图弄清楚每一个词语的意思。
- Dr Newberg explained: "During meditation, people have a loss of the sense of self and frequently experience a sense of no space and time and that was exactly what we saw. 纽伯克博士解释说:“在冥想期间,人们丧失了自我感,经常体验到没有时间空间感,而这就是我们严密地看见的一切。”
- The sense of livingness is strong while with children. 兴小孩子在一起时,可感受到强烈的活力。
- They have their whole sense of self invested in it. 他们将全部的"自我感"都投人了进去。
- The sense of not being wanted can set up an angst. 被摈弃的感觉会使人痛苦。
- You may extend the sense of a word . 你可以扩大一个词的涵义。
- What is the sense of this proverb? 经他一解说,这个运动的意义就更清楚了。
- Athletes should first have the sense of fair play. 运动员首先要有公平竞争的意识。
- He nurtured his own sense of self importance. He was never wrong. 他以独特的方式显示着自己的价值。他并没有做错什么。
- What's the sense of arguing with him? 同他争论有什么用处呢?
- What is the sense of doing that? 干那件事有什么道理呢?
- To expect otherwise is to deny a woman her sense of self. 若期望有别的方式,除非女人否认了自己的意义。
- Many people living in institutions have lost their sense of self. 许多生活在福利院的人已经失去了个性意识。
- Of or relating to the sense of touch;tactile. 触觉的或与触觉有关的;有触觉的
- Eg: The sense of being praised is fantastic. 被赞扬的感觉很好。
- The sense of an unfamiliar word is hard to come at. 一个不熟悉的词的含义是很难理解的。
- The sense of life is not receiving but giving. 人生的意义在于奉献,而不是索取。
- The sense of walls was neutralizing to the mind. 墙壁使人产生一种一无所有的感觉。