- the shield of art creation 创作之“盾”
- They take action under the shield of polices. 他们在警方的掩护下采取了行动。
- Spring must strike again against the shield of winter. 春天必须冲破严冬的封锁。
- He put his creation of art by for a year while be worked for the company. 他中断艺术创作达一年之久,到一家公司干活。
- Happy art thou, O Israel: who is like unto thee, O people saved by the LORD, the shield of thy help, and who is the sword of thy excellency! 以色列啊,你是有福的;有谁像你呢?你这蒙耶和华拯救的子民,他是帮助你的盾牌,他是你威严的刀剑。
- Doctor Zhivago bears the same high level of art creation as that of Pasternak’s poems. 作品运用了传统叙事文学的某些基本手法,同时又采用了诗的抒情笔法,从而创造出一种别样的史诗形式,即以主人公为中心的抒情性的心灵史诗。
- The tradition of art creation in SFAI sets emphasis on history as well as on reality. 四川美院的艺术创作传统强调历史和现实。
- The analysis and understanding of art creation, aesthetes and art education are of great importance. 了解艺术创造、审美与教育的相互作用和关系,具有重要意义。
- Turnus threw his lance, but it recoiled harmless from the shield of Aeneas. 图努斯投了一枪,但标枪从埃涅阿斯的盾牌上弹了回来,没有造成任何伤害。
- The shield protected him from the blows of his enemy. 这盾牌保护他免受敌人的打击。
- Kant's theories about art and genius are the natural extension of his subjectivity thought in the field of art creation. 艺术与天才论是康德主体性美学思想在艺术创造领域的自然延伸。
- Levant's collections are the result of its owner's feeling of art. The process it present art works is also a part of art creation. 阆风推荐的是深深打动我们的艺术作品,以此感染他人也是我们在愉快进行的艺术创作。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- Press the bare cables into the shield terminals to create optimal contact with the shield of the cable. 将裸露的电缆压入屏蔽端子中并与电缆的屏蔽层最佳接触。
- There were just two faces to the shield of life from the point of view of his peculiar mind-strength and weakness. 在他特殊的头脑看来,人生的盾牌有两方面--强和弱。
- The city contains schools of art, law, medicine and science. 城里有艺术学校、法律学校、医科以及理工科学校。
- The sword glanced off the shield. 剑擦过盾牌。
- It was then that he realized what had sneaked through the shield of his slumbers. It was the sense of falling snow. 窗外下着雪!原来如此,是雪潜入了自己的梦乡,搅醒了自己。
- An upgrade to the Shield of Light , the Radiance can absorb more damage and has a larger radius of protection. 光芒之盾的升级版本;光辉可以吸收更多伤害;并且具有更大的保护范围.
- The theory is a kind of intuitive thinking, which shows the characteristics of illogic, and embodies none-utility and freedom of art creation, which advocates a kind of mythical self-content mood. 虚静思维具有非逻辑性和非理性的特征,是一种直觉思维;虚静思维体现了艺术创造活动的无功利性和自由性,在游心自适中使创造活动达到“宛如神助”的境界。