- This paper introduces the method predicting the dependable degree of the spline connection by the distribution data of the abrasive quantity-the work life. 本文介绍了利用磨损量-工作寿命分布数据来预测花键联接的可靠度的方法。
- Designing the Dependable Function of the Abrasion of the Spline Connection 花键联接磨损的可靠性设计
- the spline connection 花链联接
- Pick the splines you wish to union. 选择你想合并的曲线。
- Beveling the splines makes nice round edges. 倒角使漂亮的曲线轮边缘。
- The spline is specified by an array of points and a tension parameter. 样条由点的数组和张力参数指定。
- Minor Circle is the circle formed by the innermost surface of the spline. 小圆:小圆是花键的最小齿形面的排斥圆。
- The thesis simulates the process of the spline forming by the FEM software. 应用有限元分析软件,对花键轴的齿形成形过程进行模拟。
- A tension of 1 corresponds to no physical tension, allowing the spline to take the path of least total bend. 张力为1对应于没有物理张力,使样条采用最小完全弯曲的路径。
- The designer could then create a curve by drawing along the spline with a pen or pencil. 然后,设计者就可以用钢笔沿样条绘制出一条曲线。
- A designer would place the spline on a piece of paper and anchor it to a given set of points. 设计者把样条放置在一张纸上并锚定到一组给定的点上。
- As a model, spline interpolation on a uniform tetrahedral partition was used, and the spline coefficients were repeated by the gridded samples. 该模型以样条基函数为背景,系数则由周围采样点数据重复迭代产生。
- The wires connect (up) under the floor. 电线是在地板下接通的。
- The spline parameters and their derivatives are taken as state variables, the state equation is established. 引入样条参数及其对时间的导数作为状态变量,导出状态方程。
- The connection between these ideas is very remote. 这两种看法之间的距离很大。
- In the Path Parameters rollout, click Add Path and click the spline in a viewport. 现在摄像机在整个动画长度上沿着路径移动。
- The wind whirled the dead leaves about. 风吹得枯叶在四处回旋。
- The wind was whispering in the trees. 一阵风穿过树林沙沙作响。
- The illustration also shows the spline's convex hull, which is a polygon formed by connecting the four points with straight lines. 该插图还显示样条的凸包,凸包是通过将这四个点用直线相连而形成的多边形。
- There are 26 letters in the English alphabet. 英语字母表中有26个字母。