- The star shape stem pivots its way through 6 positions around a 360-degree axis. 恒星形成干枢轴途经6个职位周围360度的轴。
- The star of the film is a previously unknown actor. 这部电影里的明星以前是个默默无闻的演员。
- The star is reportedly very ill. 据说该明星病重。
- Actinostele A rype of protostele in which the xylem is star shaped and the phloem lies between the points of the star. 星状中柱:原生中柱的一种类型。木质部是星形的,韧皮部位于星形之间。
- Then the star shaped rod-coil block copolymer S-(PCL-PMPCS)_3 was obtained via ATRP. 以三羟甲基丙烷为引发剂制得了三臂星形聚己内酯 S-(PCL)_3,并进一步制得含溴端的三官能团引发剂S-(PCL-Br)_3,最后通过ATRP制得了三臂星形刚柔嵌段共聚物S-(PCL-PMPCS)_3。
- Tony is the star player on our team. 汤尼是我队的主力。
- It was just my luck to go to the play on the day the star was ill. 我总是这麽倒霉,去看戏那天偏巧明星病了。
- The star halfback hauled down the pass for a touchdown. 那位明星中位接住远传球触地得分。
- The star was whipped into a fast car and driven off. 那个明星迅速上了一辆汽车疾驶而去。
- And now, last but not least, the star of our show: Bendy Wendy. 现在最后出场的是我们剧中的明星:她是本迪·文迪。
- The star is holidaying in London. 那位明星正在伦敦度假。
- The stars came out as soon as darkness fell. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- The stars came out as soon as it was dark. 天一黑,星星就出来了。
- The stars in the night sky are innumerous. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- The stars in the night sky are innumerable. 夜空中的星星数不清。
- Scorpio is the strongest of all the star signs. 天蝎座是所有星座里情感最强烈的一个。
- Aquarius is the friendliest of the star signs. 水瓶座是所有星座中最友善的星座。
- The eternal motion of the stars fascinated him. 星体永恒的运行使他著迷。
- The night was clear and the stars were out. 夜空晴朗,星星都出来了。
- The stars are radiators of vast power. 恒星是巨大能量的辐射体。