- The status of a person on probation. 察看在服缓刑(或在受察看)的状况
- The statue was carved out of marble. 这座雕像是用大理石雕刻的。
- The status of a married woman under common law. 有夫之妇的身份普通法中已婚妇女的身份
- What's the status of the peace talks? 目前和谈的情况如何?
- Keywords environmental impact assessment;research on environment assessment;the status auo;the trend in the future; 环境影响评价;环境评价研究;现状;发展趋势;
- The statue of Washington was as large as life. 华盛顿的塑像和真人一般大小。
- The statue stands out against the trees. 这座雕像衬着树丛,轮廓特别鲜明。
- My promotion brings into question the status of certain other members of staff. 提升我後某些职员的地位就成了问题。
- the status auo 现状
- The statue was made to scale, one inch to a foot. 这座塑像是按比例做的,大小是真人的十二份之一。
- The statue was carved (out of stone). 这座像是(用石头)雕刻的。
- Put the statue so that the front face the light. 把雕像摆好,让正面向着光。
- Put the statue so that the front faces the light. 把雕像摆好,让正面向著光。
- Having the status or rank of queen. 女王的拥有女王身份或地位的
- The Statue of Liberty stands in New York Harbor. 自由女神像耸立在纽约港。
- There is a circle of flowers around the statue. 塑像周围鲜花环绕。
- The statue of Jefferson was big as life. 杰斐逊的塑像和真人一样大小。
- The workers put the statue on its pedestal. 工人们把雕像放到基座上。
- The statue reposes on a pedestal. 塑像安放在台座上。
- The statue stands by itself in the square. 广场上孤零零地立著这座雕像。