- Our commercial state banks derivate have a huge institution and work inefficiently.So The stock system alteration of bank become a new hot topic for discussion. 当前我国国有商业银行存在机构庞大、工作效率低等问题,银行股份制改造成为现阶段国有商业银行新的热点议题之一,而业务流程改造是股份制改造的一个重要方面,因为只有建立科学、合理、有效的业务流程,银行才能提高工作效率和竞争力。
- A new nuclear power station is on the stocks here. 这座新的核电站在建造之中。
- Her new novel is off the stocks. 她的新小说已经脱稿了。
- The stock market trod water these days. 股市这几天停滞不前。
- Trading on the Stock Exchange was light today. 证券交易所今日交投平平。
- Prices fell on the stock market. 股市行情下跌。
- He took a beating in the stock market. 他在股市上遭受惨重的损失。
- Trading was brisk on the Stock Exchangetoday. 今日证券交易所交投活跃。
- The stock market crash did George in. 股票行情狂跌使乔治遭到破产。
- He cleaned up in the stock market last year. 去年他在股票市场大捞一笔。
- The stock market was on the brink of collapse. 股市已到崩盘的边缘。
- She's made a killing on the stock market. 她在股票市场上大发了一笔财。
- Storage is10% of value, so we scrapped the stock. 因仓储费是货物价值的10%, 所以我们就废弃了这批存货。
- The Stock System--the Only Way for the State-owned Commercial Bank 股份制--国有商业银行的必由之路
- The workings of the Stock Exchange are beyond most people's ken. 证券交易所的运作情况大多数人都不了解。
- The Purpose of commercial state banks remolding the stock system is to construct a juridical governing structure that applies to the financial corporation system in the contemporary era. 摘要国有商业银行股份制改造的目的是建立与现代金融企业制度相适应的法人治理结构。
- His clever manipulation of the stock market make him lots of money. 他在股票交易中买卖精明,赚了很多钱。
- Before he had finished writing one novel, he had another on the stocks. 他在未写完这本小说前,就已经准备写那篇了。
- The stocks more than returned ten percent a year . 这些股票每年获利润多于10%25。
- The Brief Talk About the Stock System Reform of the State-owned Bank 浅谈国有银行股份制改革