- This demonstrates the strong sense of affinity amongst the Chinese people. 这就是我们中华民族强大的凝聚力。
- In the strong sense I'm advocating here, culture modifies our genes. 在此,我坚决倡议,让文化修改我们的基因。
- Given the strong sense of social justice that he espouses, however, he does not address some hard practical questions. 然而,给定他所提倡的强烈的“社会正义感”,他却未涉及具体的操作问题。
- Good faith and surefooted. Has the strong sense of responsibility and independent. 诚信踏实,责任心强,独立性强。
- Love the motherland、socialism、and the career of public utilities management, and have the strong sense of social mission and public responsibility. 热爱祖国,热爱社会主义,热爱公共事业管理事业,具有较强的社会使命感和公共责任感。
- What is heartening is the strong sense of community amongst trans people, who clearly take care of each other even under very painful circumstances. 倒是我自己顽固,每次听到黄耀明的歌声,总不免要重历一番少年时的激动。这个专辑,开了我这种执迷不悟的听众一个大玩笑!
- You're the one I look up, not likely to take your words as sth not that important, it's just the strong sense of insecurity makes me monstrous. 你是我仰望的对象,不可能把你的话当做耳旁风,只是强烈的不安全感让我抓狂。
- The strong smell made me throw up. 这强烈的气味使我呕吐了。
- Look from the vision, they the strong good strong sense of can diluent people to the good thing such as furniture, have the effect with Rou Kegang. 从视觉上看,它们都能冲淡人们对家具等硬物件的刚硬坚固感觉,起到以柔克刚的效果。
- We were dizzy by the strong wind. 我们被大风刮得头晕目眩。
- His eyes dazzled before the strong light. 他面对强光头晕目眩。
- The strong medicine made my head whirl. 这种烈性药使我头晕眼花。
- I mainly with foreign clients procurement, and I developed crafts projects, to seek a processing capacity and develop the strong sense of bamboo, wood, paper processing plant cooperation. 我公司主要配合国外客户采购,另外我公司开发工艺品项目,寻求有加工能力、开发意识强的竹、木、纸加工工厂合作。
- In unconsciousness, the third chakra gives us the strongest sense of separation through egoic identification. 在无意识里,第三个脉论透过自我证明给我们最强烈分裂的感觉。
- I want to complain in the strong term about the delay. 我要以最强烈的措词抗议这次耽误。
- His heroic action stemmed from a strong sense of duty. 他的英勇行为来源于强烈的责任感。
- I could sense my mother's pain and the tension of holding back the strong emotions. 我能感觉到妈妈的痛苦以及她克制这种强烈感情的压抑心理。
- He is by long odds the strongest of the candidates. 在候选人中,他无疑是最强的。
- Criminals, if you please, have a strong sense of honor. 罪犯们竟有一种强烈的荣誉感,你信吗?
- The strong wind blew down a number of trees in our block. 强风吹倒了本区几棵树。