- the talent training mode 人才培养模式
- The talent training mode reform is the necessary premis of the open education experiment, centralization practice teaching is the breakthrough and incision to the talent training mode reform; 摘要“人才培养模式改革”是“开放教育试点”的必要前提,集中实践环节教学则正是“人才培养模式改革”的切入点和突破口;
- On the Talents'Training Mode of Insurance Major in Higher Vocational Colleges 高职保险专业人才培养模式的探讨
- Discussing on the Talents'Training mode of Coupling Production with Teaching in Higher Vocational Education 高等职业技术教育产教结合人才培养模式探讨
- Basic Ideas on the Talents Training Modes of Applied Psychology 应用心理学专业人才培养模式的基本思路
- The evaluation of the talent training in polytechnic colleges brings us new chance to develop and drives us forward in the reform and building of our college. 开展高职高专院校人才培养工作水平评估,给我院带来了新的发展契机,对加快改革与建设起到了积极地推动作用。
- This paper describes the new stereoscopic and whole painting of studying on mass media based on the academic works and special conference, the talent training and news net etc. 本文结合我国近年在网络传媒领域学术论著与专题会议、人才培养与新闻网站等8个方面的发展,构勒出一幅立体的、全方位的网络传媒研究新画卷。
- To inquire into the management of the talent training in the teaching hospitals, the author objectively analyzed from its historical formative causes to its harmfulness. 为探讨教学医院人才培养中的管理,本文从“近亲化”现象的历史成因和危害性入手,对其客观辨证地进行了分析
- I liked Mary's singing in the talent show. 我喜欢玛丽在有奖竞赛中的演唱。
- Concept of Talent Training Mode of Higher Vocational Education 关于高职人才培养模式的思考
- Opening School Management to Construct Talent Training Mode of REP 开放办学构建产学研培养人才新模式
- It focuses on developing students researching and teaching ability and improving students overall quality.Through the talent training,the students quality of researching and teachin... 在人才培养过程中,优化课程体系,注重培养学生的教学和科研素质,增加学生发展的潜能,形成了长学制理科基地人才培养方案,经过实践,培养的学生受到社会好评。
- Analyses of Talent Training Modes in Adult School 成人高校人才培养模式解析
- It trains PE majors for primary and junior schools of grass roots level or guiders for community physical education, which is different from the talent training standards of four-year universities. 高职院校体育教育专业,是专科层次的学历教育,培养面向基层中小学或社区体育指导员的体育专业专门人才,不能等同于体育院校本科的人才培养规格。
- He has the talent of a commander. 他有将帅之才。
- We need actors for the talent show. 我们才艺展示还需要几位演员。
- Scout the talent at the baseball tournament. 在棒球联赛中觅人才。
- The Tendency of the Diverse Talent Training Mode of Higher Education from Theory of Man's Fully Development 从人的全面发展看高校人才的多元培养模式
- Lili was born with the talent of music. 莉莉生来就具有音乐天赋。
- On the Revolution of Talents Training Mode in Normal Universities 论高师院校人才培养模式的变革