- The tide is coming in and very soon that little island will be under water. 潮水已在上涨,不一会儿那小岛就要被淹没。
- I don't want to state the obvious,but shouldn't we move back up the beach now what the tide is coming in? 我不想讲众所周知的道理,不过既然涨潮了,难道我们不走回到海滩上面去吗?
- The tide is coming in now. 正在涨潮。
- When the market tide is coming in (weekly MACD rises), every pause and wave that goes against the tide ---- shorter countertrend moves ----offers an opportunity to get aboard the trend. 在第一阶段里,操盘的关键应是顺大势而为。当时若仍一味坚持“高抛低吸”,反有不合时宜之嫌,属逆市操作,相当危险。而现在,你却可放心使用,因为买卖信号在日振荡中往往颇有规律。
- Is the tide coming in or going out? 现在是涨潮还是落潮?
- The tide is turning; we'd better get back. 涨潮了,咱们最好回去吧。
- Now the hawthorn is coming in the knot. 现在山楂就要发芽了。
- The tide comes in with a sudden rush here. 这里潮水来势汹涌。
- the tide is coming in 潮水正在上涨
- The tide is not likely to turn back. 潮流很可能不会再倒回去了。
- Just when the tide is in,you'll be able to dive. 只有涨潮的时候,你才可以跳。
- The rain is coming in on the table. 雨飘进来落到桌上。
- Let's push out,as the tide is now with us. 现在是顺水,让我们开船吧!
- The tide is turning-we'd better get back. 涨潮了,我们最好回去吧。
- Get a bucket quickly,the water is coming in. 快拿桶来,水浸进来了。
- The rise of the tide is fifty feet. 潮水上涨了五十英尺。
- He is coming now. He is coming in the morning. 现在他马上就来。他在早晨来。
- But the tide is unlikely to turn back. 但是大势已定,不可逆转。
- News is coming in of a serious train crash in Scotland. 刚刚收到的消息说,苏格兰发生火车撞车重大事故。
- Pulling you through when the tide is high. 助你渡过难关,在潮水高涨之时。