- The bird settled on the topmost bough. 这只鸟儿在最高的权枝上停了下来。
- The note is on the topmost shelf. 笔记在最高的架子上。
- The topmost molding of a classical cornice. 波纹线脚古典建筑的顶部线脚
- the topmost chakra 泥丸
- He lifted out the topmost two letters, and though he knew what he would see, he read them over again. 他拿起最上面的2封信,虽然他已经知道里面写的是什么,但还是从头到尾又读了一遍。
- In a procedure, set the TopMost property to true. 在过程中,将TopMost属性设置为true。
- A bird was singing in the topmost branches of the tree. 一只鸟儿在树梢的枝丫上唧唧啾啾地唱着。
- Sirius Black is in the topmost cell of the Dark Tower. 西里斯?布拉克在黑暗之塔最高的房间里。
- Determines the topmost visible line in an edit control. 决定在编辑控件中最顶部的可视的行。
- There are various ways falling,and the topmost point is the most slippery. 失足方式多种多样,高位却是有易滑跤之处。
- The topmost element is that with the highest priority. 顶端的元素具有最高优先级。
- Press X, if necessary, to make black the topmost chip. 如果需要,按X键设置黑色为前景色。
- If you need support, post the topmost build error, NOT this status message. 另外,我不是不知道贴具体错误信息,只不过是真的就这点可以称的上错误信息。
- Of all names, Krishna, or all attractive, is considered the topmost. 奎师那的所有名字,或者所有被吸引的,都被认为是最高的。
- The topmost round of his azure ladder had been reached by this time. 这个时候,他的蓝色梯子的最高一级已经达到。
- You are creating the topmost node of the tree, which contains only static text. 您将创建最顶部的树节点,该节点只包含静态文本。
- Call this function to determine the topmost visible line in an edit control. 调用此成员函数决定编辑控件中可视的最顶端行的行号。
- With a flourish he twisted the round rim of the topmost cask a half-turn. 他夸耀着,抓住最上层的那只桶的圆边,向外半扭了一下。
- He who is skilled in attack flashes forth from the topmost heights of heaven. 善于进攻的人,高度发挥自己力量,动作于各种天候之中。
- GN_ROOT Retrieves the topmost or very first item of the tree-view control. ROOT检索树视图的最高项或者是真正的第一项。