- This is the underlying cause of "global warming". 这是“全球变暖”的潜在原因。
- He theorized that the underlying cause of the war was slavery. 他从理论上阐明这次战争的根本原因在于奴隶制度。
- Contains values that indicate the underlying cause of a stack overflow event. 包含指示堆栈溢出事件的根本原因的值。
- THE ANCIENT SUPERNOVAE also provided new clues about dark energy, the underlying cause of the cosmic speedup. 远古的超新星也提供了驱使宇宙加速膨胀之暗能量的相关新线索。
- The disease may remain undiagnosed until a woman tries to conceive. The underlying cause is not fully understood. 该疾病可能会在妇女要怀孕时才被发现。根本原因目前尚未完全清楚。
- This article aims to explore the underlying cause of how 'the dragon' became the totem for the Dai nationality. 本文仅对“龙”成为傣民族图腾之来由进行探议,旨在揭示各民族宗教、艺术在融合中产生的多元化变异。
- Patches fix only the symptom of a problem; they do nothing to address the underlying cause. 修补程式仅仅只是修补某一问题的症状,它们不能解决根本的原因。
- The Description section of the event will have an Error Code, which indicates the underlying cause. 事件描述部分将有一个指明基本原因的错误代码。
- What are the underlying causes?And what are the rationales? 为什麽会有欺压农民的恶霸?
- See the error code in the Description section of the event to understand the underlying cause. 要了解基本原因,可以查阅事件描述部分中的错误代码。
- If you discover a poison message, you might be able to solve the underlying cause of the problem quickly. 如果发现有害消息,则有可能很快解决产生此问题的根本原因。
- If you receive more than six of these events every hour, then the underlying cause needs to be investigated. 如果每小时收到六个以上此类事件,则需要调查其基本原因。
- The actual error code in the description section could vary, depending on the underlying cause of the problem. 描述部分的实际错误代码可能取决于问题的根本原因而有所不同。
- This is the underlying cause of the inner cities, the ghettos or the regions where drug abuse, disease and homelessness prevail. 这就是市区中心、犹太区、或那些毒品泛滥、疾病和无家流浪者盛行地区的潜在致因。
- The underlying cause is environmental through air borne toxins as well as toxins in the water supply or food supply. 潜在致因是环境中藉由空气传播的毒素,以及水源或食物源所带来的毒素。
- Instead of seeking the underlying cause of the dissonance, they utilized such weaponry to retain control. 取代寻求不和谐的根本致因,他们应用这样的军备去维持控制。
- Of course, they were not perceived as the underlying cause, and what resulted was an even worse catastrophe. 当然,他们没有被视为根本致因,结果导致的是一场甚至更糟的灾难。
- In recent years significant advances in the understanding of the underlying cause of TSC has been made. 在近几年的重大进展,在了解背后的原因,TSC已经取得进展。
- The variance between the vibration of the land and sea is the underlying cause of hurricanes. 陆地或海洋之间振动的差异是飓风的根本致因。
- pentosidine 戊糖素