- The first-stage vehicle is used to launch the rocket and is then jettisoned in the upper atmosphere. 第一级运载火箭是用来发射火箭的,进入高层大气后即抛掉。
- Once in the upper atmosphere,CFC reacts with ozone to destroy it. 氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。
- Once in the upper atmosphere, CFC's react with ozone to destroy it. 氯氟化碳一旦进人上层大气,就会与臭氧发生反应,从而破坏臭氧层。
- The study of the upper atmosphere, especially of regions of ionized gas. 高层大气物理学对有关高层大气,特别是离子化大气层的研究
- Particle concentrations in the upper atmosphere drop regularly as the altitude rises. 在高层大气中粒子浓度随高度的增加而有规律地下降。
- Scientists fear that the continued depletion of the ozone layer in the upper atmosphere will thus cause widespread health problems. 科学家担心,上部大气圈臭氧层的继续损坏将会引起普遍的健康问题。
- Ozone occurs naturally in the upper atmosphere and helps to mop up ultraviolet radiation. 臭氧自然发生在上层大气层,帮助抹去紫外线幅射。
- China started to explore the upper atmosphere using rockets and balloons in the early 1960s. 中国在二十世纪六十年代初期开始利用探空火箭、探空气球开展了高层大气探测。
- A low - or middle - latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere. 气辉大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光
- In the upper atmosphere, ozone shields the earth from the harmful ultraviolet radiation. 臭氧在大气层的作用是阻挡太阳释放出来的有害紫外线。
- Sky: The expanse of air over any given point on Earth; the upper atmosphere as seen from Earth's surface. 天,天空:在地球上给定地点上方空气的宽阔区域;大气层上部,如从地球表面看上去。
- The puffy trails cool the upper atmosphere by reflecting sunlight away and warm the lower atmosphere by trapping outgoing heat. 膨大的凝结尾会把阳光反射出去,使上方的大气层冷却,又会阻挡下面散发上来的热,而使下方的大气层变得温暖。
- A low - or middle - latitude,more or less steady,faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere. 气辉大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光
- The ionization in the upper atmosphere is caused by ultraviolet rays form the sun. 上层大气中的电离作用是太阳的紫外线引起的。
- A low- or middle-latitude, more or less steady, faint photochemical luminescence in the upper atmosphere. 气辉大气层上部位于低纬或中纬的相对稳定的微弱光化冷光
- Powerful substorms followed, as energy stored in the magnetotail was explosively released into the upper atmosphere. 储存在磁尾的能量,如爆炸般释放到高层大气,产生了一个接一个的强力次磁暴。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- As the final days ticked by, a dust storm on the planet erupted, reducing the density of the upper atmosphere. 在最后几天的倒数计时中,火星上却刮起了一场沙尘暴,导致高层大气的密度降低。
- Auroras occur when charged particles outside the Earth's atmosphere collide with atoms in the upper atmosphere. 黎明的女神北极光的出现,在地球的外空大气层粒子的碰撞并且伴随许多原子在大气层的上面。
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。