- A canine tooth of the upper jaw. 上颚犬齿上颚的一个犬齿
- The tooth was drawn from the upper jaw. 牙从上腭取下来了。
- Protrusive part of the upper jaw. 上颌的推出部份;
- The upper jaw is neither hooked nor notched. 上颚既不是钩状的,也不是锯齿状的。
- A dermal bone of the upper jaw which lies posterior to the premaxillary. 上颌的一个表皮硬骨在前颌骨的后面。
- Either of the sinuses in the bones of the upper jaw, opening into the nasal cavity. 鼻窦上颚骨里通向鼻腔的窦道之一
- Sometimes miscalled maxillary length when the premaxilla enters into the upper jaw. 有时误称为上颌骨长度,当前颌骨进入上颌的时候。
- Either of the sinuses in the bones of the upper jaw,opening into the nasal cavity. 鼻窦上颚骨里通向鼻腔的窦道之一
- Either of a pair of bones of the human skull fusing in the midline and forming the upper jaw. (人类的)上颔骨人类头骨中线两侧形成上颔的两块骨头
- The elastic, horny material forming the fringed plates that hang from the upper jaw of baleen whales and strain plankton from the water. 鲸须指形成垂挂于长须鲸上颚的有弹性、象角质一样半透明的材料,可将浮游生物从水中滤出
- The elastic,horny material forming the fringed plates that hang from the upper jaw of baleen whales and strain plankton from the water. 鲸须指形成垂挂于长须鲸上颚的有弹性、象角质一样半透明的材料,可将浮游生物从水中滤出
- Any of about 200 species of venomous snakes (family Elapidae) that have short fangs fixed in the front of the upper jaw. 眼镜蛇科(family Elapidae)约200种毒蛇的统称,上前部有短小而不活动的毒牙
- A pair of razorsharp incisor tasks jut forward from the lower jaw and grind against two blunter versions in the upper jaw. 象剃刀那样锋利的一对门牙从下颚向前突出,可以与上颚的两颗较粗钝的牙对称嚼食。
- The flews of the upper jaw are strongly developed and overlap the lower jaw to give a square look when viewed from the side. 从侧面观察的时候,上唇和上颚非常发达,与下颚交叠,形成矩形外观。
- The flews of the upper jaw are strongly developed, not sharply cut, but turning in a beautiful curve into the lower edge, and slightly overhanging. 上嘴唇非常发达,不能非常整齐,而是形成一个优美的曲线覆盖在下颚上,略显下垂。
- Either of two large marine game fishes(Tetrapturus angustirostris or T. belone) related to the sailfish and marlin,having the upper jaw elongated into a spearlike projection. 四鳍旗鱼两种和(四鳍旗鱼属尖吻四鳍旗鱼或针四鳍旗鱼)有亲缘关系的海生鲑鱼类鱼之一,下颔呈矛状伸长并突起。
- Tears are secreted by an organ under the upper eyelid. 眼泪由上眼睑下面的器官分泌。
- Either of two large marine game fishes(Tetrapturus angustirostris or T.belone)related to the sailfish and marlin, having the upper jaw elongated into a spearlike projection. 四鳍旗鱼两种和(四鳍旗鱼属尖吻四鳍旗鱼或针四鳍旗鱼)有亲缘关系的海生鲑鱼类鱼之一,下颔呈矛状伸长并突起
- Either of two large marine game fishes(Tetrapturus angustirostris or T. belone) related to the sailfish and marlin, having the upper jaw elongated into a spearlike projection. 四鳍旗鱼两种和(四鳍旗鱼属尖吻四鳍旗鱼或针四鳍旗鱼)有亲缘关系的海生鲑鱼类鱼之一,下颔呈矛状伸长并突起
- I'd like a room on the upper level. 我想要楼上的房间。