- the uranium enrichment program 浓缩铀计划
- The IAEA admonished Tehran and insisted on snap inspections and a halt to its uranium enrichment program. 国际原子能机构警告了德黑兰政府,坚持要进行未经通知的临时检查,并要求伊朗停止浓缩铀计划。
- He questioned the administration's insistence on having Iran halt its uranium enrichment program before opening talks. 布什政府坚持把伊朗首先终止铀浓缩项目作为谈判的前提。
- We have to make sure there is no clandestine uranium enrichment program that is somehow undeclared and unexcavated. 我们必须确保北韩没有保留秘密的浓缩铀项目、没有宣布或是没有发现的项目。”
- And Iran's foreign minister threatens to resume Teheran's uranium enrichment program if talks with European Nations in London fail. 伊朗外长威胁说,如果在伦敦举行的伊朗与欧洲各国进行的会谈失败,伊朗会重新启动德黑兰铀浓缩计划。
- Previously, Washington had insisted that Teheran stop its uranium enrichment program as a precondition to face-to-face talks. 华盛顿先前一再坚持,德黑兰必须停止浓缩铀项目,这是双方面对面会谈的先决条件。
- A visit to the uranium enrichment facility in Natanz is also on the agenda. 访问日程还包括访问纳坦兹的浓缩铀设施。
- He says there are roadblocks over accusations North Korea maintained a uranium enrichment program and engaged in nuclear cooperation with Syria. 包括在北韩被控拥有浓缩铀计划以及与叙利亚进行核合作的问题上还存在障碍。
- The U.N. Security Council has imposed three rounds of sanctions on Iran for defying demands that it suspend its uranium enrichment program. 联合国安理会已经就伊朗不服从要其停止铀浓缩计划的行为对其施加三轮制裁。
- This means coming clean on past proliferation and on the clandestine uranium enrichment program that North Korea once admitted but now denies. 这意味着要朝鲜澄清原先承认现在又抵赖的所谓武器扩散以及秘密的铀浓缩核项目。
- Over the weekend Iran appeared to reject the latest international offer for nuclear power and diplomatic incentives in exchange for suspension of its uranium enrichment program. 伊朗在上一个周末似乎是拒绝了国际社会提出的新建议,也就是:伊朗暂停浓缩铀项目以换取核能和外交方面的好处。
- President Ahmadinejad announced that Tehran is expanding its nuclear enrichment program at the Natanz nuclear plant by installing 6,000 new uranium enrichment centrifuges there. 艾哈迈迪内贾德总统宣布,德黑兰正在扩大纳坦兹核电厂的核浓缩项目,在那里安装六千个新的浓缩铀离心机。
- nuclear weapons-related uranium enrichment program 与核武器有关的铀浓缩计划
- Coffinite is the uranium mineral. 铀矿物为铀石。
- Iran has revealed it has a second uranium enrichment plan. 伊朗透露已拥有第二个铀浓缩计划。
- Russia is again urging Iran to stop uranium enrichment to end the international standoff over its nuclear program. 俄罗斯再次敦促伊朗停止提炼浓缩铀,以结束国际间在伊朗核计划问题上出现的僵持局面。
- uranium enrichment program 铀浓缩计划
- When the uranium disintegrates, it changes into lead. 当铀蜕变时,它变成了铅。
- The uranium reconnaissance was undertaken in the U.K. 在英国境内曾开展过铀矿勘察工作。