- the viewpoint of middle mean 中道观
- The viewpoint of this article is correct. 这篇文章的观点是正确的。
- One kind is the viewpoint of traditional autarky. 一种为传统的自给自足的观点。
- The viewpoints of the two parties hardened. 双方的观点变得更强硬了。
- We should consider this problem from the viewpoint of the Russians. 我们应该从俄国人的立场来考虑这个问题。
- The viewpoint of the article is biased, You had better revise it. 这篇文章的观点偏颇,最好进一步修改。
- Such were the viewpoints of the comrades. 这些就是同志们的观点。
- The viewpoint of the article is biased, You'd better revise it. 这篇文章的观点偏颇, 最好进一步修改。
- Most netizens supported the viewpoints of Kubin. 大多数的网民支持顾宾的观点。
- The viewpoint of this paper certainly cannot be accepted by readers. 这篇文章的观点,肯定不会被读者接受。
- In this paper, the influence of building ways and light grazing on the artificial grassland yield and grass stability were investigated with viewpoint of ecology in the hill area of Middle Guizhou. 结果表明,黔中丘陵地区因山地高度不同,使各地段土壤肥力、水分状况产生差异,将影响人工草地成坪时间、草地产量和稳定性;
- Standing on the viewpoint of the folk, Lao She always looked outwards. 历史视角的不同是二者差别的深层原因。
- Do you like to say something about "freewill" in the viewpoint of a physicist? 从物理学家的视角,你怎样看待“自由意志”?
- The viewpoint of practice is basic viewpoint of Marxist epistemology. 实践的观点是马克思主义认识论的基本观点。
- In this field the importance of radium from the viewpoint of general theories has been decisive. 在这一领域中,从一般理论的观点来看,镭的重要性是具有决定性的。
- National unity can only be achieved by recognizing and giving serious weight to the viewpoint of the Opposition. 只有认识到反对党意见的重要性,并给予高度的重视,全国上下才能成为一个整体。
- We always adhere to the viewpoint of scorning difficulties strategically but paying full attention to them tactically. 我们一续坚持在战略上藐视困难,在战术上重视困难的观点。
- In another word ,study disbelieve the viewpoint of other per people. Found self-confidence.That is the key. 另一种说法,学会怀疑他人的观点。建立自信,那是成为幸运儿的关键。
- I also said that actually we share many similarities in the viewpoint of human rights. 我说我们在人权的观点上很多是一致的。
- Only from the viewpoint of holism can make science being a digesting knowledge and fulfilling its utmost value. 只有从整体性的要求出发,科学才能成为融会贯通的学问,发挥其最大价值。