- The mone time spent in the visual world,the more color lost in the real world. 在虚拟的世界中沉浸得越久,就发现现实世界失去的色彩越多。
- Our goal, of course, is to learn how each set of ganglion cells extracts meaning from the visual world. 当然,我们的目标是想知道每一组节细胞如何从视觉世界萃取出意义,因为视网膜是设计来处理比闪光更有趣的讯息。
- Each of the dozen different sets of ganglion cells creates a unique readout that accentuates some aspect of the visual world. 12种不同节细胞组里的每一组所产生的独特讯号,所强调的是视觉世界的某个面向。
- The interactions among bipolar and amacrine cells that are read out simultaneously by each set of ganglion cells make up the data we receive to interpret the visual world. 每一组节细胞读取到的双极细胞与无轴突细胞之间的互动,成为我们用来解读视觉世界的数据。
- Our brains manage the overwhelming amount of data our visual sense provides by discerning visual patterns and establishing a system of priorities for the things we see, which in turn allows us to make sense of the visual world. 我们的大脑通过辨别视觉模式,并且对所见到的事物建立优先级系统来处理这些来自视觉的海量信息,之后我们才了解到这个视觉世界。
- Whereas art historians will dilate on the symbolism of capturing the visual world in the convex mirror prominently displayed on the rear wall, I will be concerned instead with its optical properties, such as its focal length and light-gathering power. 艺术史学者会注意后面墙上那面醒目的凸面镜,对它捕捉了视觉世界的象徵意义加以热烈讨论,而我则会专注于它的光学特性,如焦距与聚光能力。
- Examine the raw. Vsp file the Visual Studio IDE. 在Visual Studio IDE中检查原始.;vsp文件。
- The visual media had tipped off. 视觉媒体已经听到了风声。
- A number representing the Visual Basic version, in. 格式表示Visual Basic版本的数字。
- The visual portion of a televised broadcast. (电视的)映像电视播放节目的可视部分
- The replacement of one image by another during a period of time by the motion of a boundary separating the visual parts of the two images. 在图象显示期间,一幅图象由另一幅图象取代。同一屏幕上,两幅图象的可见部分有一分界线,移动这一分界线,把一幅图象逐渐抹掉(划出), 逐渐显示另一幅图象(划入)。
- They will showcase their visual world inside club Tango by customizing the venue their way! 他们将通过以自己的方式将整个糖果俱乐部变成他们所定制的艺术产品。
- Gets or sets the description of the visualizer. 获取或设置可视化工具的说明。
- Gets an instance of the Visual Basic code compiler. 获取Visual Basic代码编译器的实例。
- Whether auditory cortex process the visual signal? 听觉皮层参与与否之争?
- This is the visualization when exhaling. 这是呼气的观想。
- Welcome to arrive my homepage! If you want, will yearn for the free boy will share his visual world with you. 欢迎来到我的个人主页!如果你愿意,一个向往自由的男孩将与你分享他的视觉世界。
- The visuals in the film were well thought out. 电影里的画面都是经过精心设计的。
- Describes changes to the Visual Basic language. 描述对Visual Basic语言的更改。
- Quiet music adds brilliance to the visuals. 安静的音乐增添辉煌的视觉效果。