- He'll return to London the week after next. 再下个星期他将返回伦敦。
- We will have a test the week after next. 下下周我们有一个测验。
- He will return to Lodon the week after next. 下下个星期他将返回伦敦。
- We will have a test the week after next. 下下周我们有一个测验。
- He'll come back the week after next. 他将于下下周回来。
- I'll be making a trip up to Denver the week after next, so I can do as you suggest and take a look at the place. 我在下下个礼拜将到丹佛去,所以我会像你所建议的到那地方看看。
- Anne : There'll be a charity bazaar for the handicapped the week after next week. They decided that every participant should wear a uniform. 安妮:有将成为义卖残疾人一周后在下周。他们决定每个参与者应穿制服。
- I still need to settle something on next Monday and Tuesday. I shall be free from Wednesday onward and could start working in your office the week after next week. 下礼拜一二我还有点事情,礼拜三开始我就都有空了,下下个礼拜以后,我就可以在你这里正常上班了。
- He'll return to London the week after cext. 再下个星期他将返回伦敦.
- Come back Monday week(= a week after next Monday). 下下星期一回来。
- I could come next week, or the week after. 我可能下周来,或者再下一周。
- Let's meet the day after tomorrow/the week after next. 咱们后天/下下周再见。
- leave after lunch, shortly after six, the day after tomorrow, the week after next 午餐後﹑ 刚过六点钟﹑ 後天﹑ 下下星期离去
- Michelle and Jillian meet again the week after. 蜜雪儿和茱丽安隔周又碰面。
- We were hoping to finish it by next week,as it is, it may be the week after. 我们本希望在下周完成,看样子可能要下下周才行。
- They were hoping to finish the task by next week, as it is, it may be the week after. 他们本希望在下周完成任务,看样子可能要下下周才行。
- He was exceptionally easy to get along with the week after the battle. 围歼战结束后的一个星期里他待人接物真随和得出奇。
- the week after next 下下周
- The hotel will reopen next week after its£1 million renovation. 该饭店在花费一百万英镑将其整修后将于下星期重新开放。
- Dan: They should start the week after that. I'm waiting to hear from Pietro. 丹:他们应该在那之后的一个礼拜开工。我正等着皮埃特罗的消息呢。