- How Can We Do well in the Western Development? 如何搞好西部大开发?
- Therefore, renewal of values is the key to the Western development. 可以说价值观念的更新是西部开发的关键是西部开发之先导
- China encourages foreign investment in the Western Development. 中国鼓励外资参与西部开发。
- Local governments play important roles in the western development. 地方政府在西部开发中扮演着重要的角色 ,合理、有效的地方政府行为推进着西部开发模式的转变。
- How to raise funds for the western development by means of the markets? 如何通过市场方式来为西部经济发展筹集所需资金 ?
- And the point-axleexploit theory is emphatically discussed to show that it is practicalfor the Western development. 其中的必要性主要从西部大开发的意义和我国地区发展的总体思路两个方面来论述的,而可行性则是从西部发展现状和加快西部发展的条件两个方面展开。 在全文中,这一部分为西部进行合理布局,加快发展的现实基础分析。
- This paper is about the growth pole theory of the western development economics. 本文简要介绍西方发展经济学中的增长极理论。
- Set against the western development drive, the poverty in the urban areas of central China stands out most prominently. 摘要我国中部地区城镇人口贫困问题在“西部大开发”热潮映衬下尤其显得突出。
- Beneficiary tax policy should be taken in the implementation of the western development strategy. 西部大开发应选择有利于西部发展的税收政策 ,实施西部开发战略税收政策制定与实施的原则应当明确。
- Creating a good population environment could offer a favorable condition for the Western development. 营造良好的人口环境能为西部大开发创造有利的软环境。
- Based on the setting of the western development, backed by the general theory onthe government"s economic role and. 提出自己不成熟的看法,即政府的经济角色必须突破原有的思维模式,进行创新,进行全新的定位。
- There is no doubt that the development and utilization of mineral resources will play a significant role in the implementation of the western development. 无疑,矿产资源的开发利用在实施西部大开发战略中处于重要地位。
- The Western scientists of the day didn't know it. 当时的西方科学家还不知道这一点。
- Seizing the historic opportunity of Western development to make a breakthrough in the population and family planning work in the western region. 抓住西部大开发的历史机遇,推动西部地区人口与计划生育工作取得突破性进展。
- These abundant resources decide that the western development must be full of its characteristics and environment friendly. 而此自然与人文资源的优势决定了西部开发必定是富于西部特色的、以自然与人文资源可持续利用、发展为目的的绿色开发。
- This essay expounds the advantages and problems of the tourism economy development in Hubei province in the western development in light of the area? 西部大开发战略的实施 ,为毗邻西部的湖北旅游经济带来了千载难逢的发展机遇 ,湖北应抢抓西部开发机遇 ,利用居中的区位优势、丰富的资源特色和市场优势 ,发展湖北旅游经济。
- As an infrastructure industry department,resource industrial department once played a very important role in the western development. 资源产业作为基础产业部门,在西部发展中曾经起到了巨大的作用。
- It was Hart who created the basic formula of the western film. 正是这个哈特创造了西部电影的基本格局。
- According to the view of the western development economists, it is a process in which therural labors transfer to the town . 按照西方发展经济学家的观点 ,城市化就是农村劳动力向城镇转移的过程。
- The Western Development of China is not simply the development of economy but the coordinate develop- ment and full interactivity of the whole society. 西部大开发不只是经济的开发,而是社会的全面互动和协调发展。 西部开发之法治选择在于,法治是决定和保证经济长期稳定协调发展和社会稳定的基础性构建;