- Greeting!here is the drummer come from the world of music! 大家好!我是来自成都的鼓手,希望和大家交流合作!
- In the world of music abounds infinite possibilities! 音乐的世界;有着无限的可能...
- His symphony that would take the world of music by storm. 他构思的交响乐将受到音乐界的欢迎。
- Sad day for the world of music, the Godfather of Soul, James Brown has died. 今天是世界音乐界的悲痛之日,灵魂乐的教父詹姆斯布朗与世长辞。
- He has many friends in the world of art. 他在艺术界有很多朋友。
- Collective management does a valuable service to the world of music and other creative arts. 集体管理为音乐和其他创造性的艺术世界提供了有价值的服务。
- Nellie thinks the world of her husband and would do anything to please him. 内莉很崇拜她的丈夫,因而尽力去取悦于他。
- Tyra has also made forays into the world of music and has played small roles in movies. 提拉也取得了进军世界的音乐和发挥小角色的电影。
- His death last week at his home near Salzburg at 81 left the world of music a paler, more plebeian place. 他于上周在萨尔兹堡附近的家中去世,享年81岁,音乐界因此变得更加苍白,更加粗俗。
- That are inexorably shaping the world of tomorrow. 这将无情地影响明日的世界。
- Welcome to the world of JK Rowling! 欢迎来到罗琳世界!
- What is the UN doing to rid the world of landmines? 为在世界各地清除地雷,联合国在做些什么?
- What will the world of tooth care look like then? 那么,到那时牙齿保健领域会是一派什么景象呢?
- John made his way rapidly in the world of finance. 约翰在金融界很快成功了。
- The world of delusion originates within the mind. 妄想的世界源自里面的心。
- The light of music illumines the world. 你乐音的光芒普照世界。
- He really thinks the world of you. 他真的很看重你。
- The world of pure reason knows no compromise. 纯粹理性的世界里则不知何谓妥协。
- The Recording Angel responsible for the world of letters still doubtless raises an eyebrow at the curious company some good writing keeps. 负责记录文学界事务的天使对于那些与某些好作品相伴而生的稀奇古怪难以理解的东西仍无疑感到惊奇。
- She commanded the admiration of music lovers all over the world. 她受到世界各地音乐爱好者的尊重。