- He personifies the worship of money. 他是拜金的化身。
- the worship of an authority 崇拜权威
- He loved to keep alive the worship of Egypt. 他热衷于保持对埃及的敬仰。
- In religion, the ancient Greek polytheism is open religious system, by the ancient Greeks in the worship of God, only a small number of an Indo-European. 在宗教方面,古希腊是开放的多神教宗教体系,在古希腊人所崇拜的神中,只有少数属印欧语系。
- Of or devoted to the worship of Dionysus. 膜拜希腊酒神戴奥尼索斯的
- It is the site of an ancient Phoenician city probably devoted to the worship of Baal and is now noted for its extensive Roman ruins.Population, 24,000. 它是古代腓尼基城的遗址,那时可能是用于朝拜太阳神的地方,现在因其大量的罗马遗迹而闻名。
- So Jehu put an end to the worship of Baal in Israel. 这样,耶户在以色列中灭了巴力。
- We need the services of an authorized Notary public. 我们需要一位权威公证的人服务。
- Temple:Edifice constructed for the worship of a deity. Features commonly include a sanctuary and an altar. 庙宇:为崇拜神而建的大建筑。一般包括一个避难所和祭坛。
- A literary or artistic work that imitates the characteristic style of an author or a work for comic effect or ridicule. 模仿诗文一种为取得喜剧或嘲讽效果,而模仿某一作家或作品的有显著特征形式的文艺或艺术作品
- Gradually Shinto practice extended to the worship of ancestors. 日本之神道教后来慢慢地发展为祭奠祖先。
- Being in the service or worship of a deity; sacred. 神圣的敬神的或献给神的; 神圣的
- An account of the personal experiences of an author. 自传有关作者个人经历的叙述
- Temple: Edifice constructed for the worship of a deity. Features commonly include a sanctuary and an altar. 庙宇:为崇拜神而建的大建筑。一般包括一个避难所和祭坛。
- Dedicated to or set apart for the worship of a deity. 上帝的:奉献给神的、为祭拜而列出的。
- Of, relating to, or typical of the worship of Bacchus. 酒神崇拜的崇拜巴克斯的或与之相关的或以崇拜巴克斯为典型的
- An edition of the works of an author with notes by various scholars or editors. 集注版作家作品的一个版本,带有不同学者或编辑的注解
- Priesthoods based on the worship of a demigod are extremely rare. 崇拜半神的神职人员也是十分的稀有。
- Napoleon conquered by the force of an iron will. 拿破仑攻无不克靠的是坚强的意志。
- The worship of the golden calf is the characteristic cult of modern society. 拜金主义是现代社会特有的迷信。