- Us to break upwith the Yuan clan. 我都快有点儿记不住了。
- Then the Mongols established the Yuan dynasty. 以后蒙古人建立元朝。
- the yuan issue 人民币汇率问题
- Foreign demands to revalue the yuan will intensify. 外部要求人民币升值更加强烈。
- The Yuan Dynasty established its capital in Dadu, now Beijing. 元代建都于大都, 即今之北京。
- Worship of Mazu reached its acme in the Yuan dynasty. 对妈祖的信仰和崇拜,到元代臻于极盛。
- The Yuan Yang Rice has the translucent, sweet grain. 原阳县地处黄河故道,水资源丰富,日夜温差大,适宜水稻生长。
- If they do, the price of their currency, the yuan, would go up. 如果它们开始花费美元,他们的货币,人民币,就会上涨。
- Beijing must therefore be forced to revalue the yuan. 新华社因此必须被迫升值人民币。
- Shapotou, said Shatuo ancient times, the Dune of the Yuan Dynasty. 沙坡头,古时称沙陀,元代名沙山。
- But China is loth to allow the yuan to appreciate rapidly. 但是中国不可能同意人民币迅速升值。
- Lardy says the idea of making the yuan convertible is not new: The Chinese first raised the issue in the 1990s but were derailed by the 1997 Asian economic crisis. 他说,让人民币自由兑换的想法并不新:中国90年代首次提出这个问题,但1997年亚洲金融危机搁置了该想法。
- We don't want to personalize the issue. 我们不想把问题搞得个人化了。
- Ethnically, the Yuan Empire comprised most of modern China's ethnic groups. 元朝的民族成分包括现今中国绝大多数民族。
- I'm not going to ride the fence on any issue. 对任何事情我都不打算骑墙观望。
- The annual premium on my policy is 3000 yuan. 我的保险单每年的保险费是三千元。
- The politician cops out on the issue of free trade. 那政客对自由贸易的问题只是一味逃避。
- Ethnically,the Yuan Empire comprised most of modern China's ethnic groups. 元朝的民族成分包括现今中国绝大多数民族。
- Line off the fen, jiao and yuan. 将分、角和元分行记下。
- This is an issue of the utmost importance. 这是一个极为重要的问题。