- We won't even mention the ''cultural revolution''. “文化大革命”就更不用说了。
- The Cultural Revolution made the personality cult reach its peak. 文化大革命把个人崇拜推向了登峰造极的地步。
- Owing to the Cultural Revolution, he received little education. 由于文化大革命,他几乎没上过什么学。
- He made plenty of political capital during the Cultural Revolution. 文化大革命中,他可捞足了资本。
- I think these rules will work,because they did before the Cultural Revolution. 所以我说这个规定可以行得通,因为文化大革命以前就实行通了嘛。
- The saddest period I went through is, of course, the ''cultural revolution''. 我一生最痛苦的当然是“文化大革命”的时候。
- During the Cultural Revolution, China established many May 7th cadre schools. 文革期间,全国开办了大批的“五七干校”。
- The Cultural Revolution and Post -Mao Reforms :AHistorical Perspective[M]. 简论民间法约束力的来源和表现[A].;民间法(第3卷)。
- Many men of letters were criticized in public during the cultural revolution. 文革时期,不少知识分子都被揪斗了。
- Several Tibetan temples were destroyed during the Cultural Revolution. 数座西藏寺庙在文革时期被摧毁了。
- For instance,before the Cultural Revolution,Party and state secrets were kept pretty well and rarely leaked out. 比如文化大革命以前,我们党的、国家的机密保守得比较好,很少泄露出去。
- This is unchanged from before the Cultural Revolution,when we all paid for living space. 文化大革命以前也是这样办的,我们都交了。
- Throughout the history of national development,the Cultural Revolution was the most miserable and remembered lesson. 中国的建设经验中,“文化大革命”的教训是最痛苦,也是十分深刻。
- Mrs Chan described the rhetoric and" posturing" of mainland officials as being reminiscent of the Cultural Revolution. 陈太形容国内官员的言论和态度,令人联想起文革。
- By the way, I presume we're all agreed that the Cultural Revolution in China was indeed a revolution too far. 顺便提一句,我想我们都同意,中国的文化大革命真是做过了头的一场革命。
- The history of the united front in the cultural revolution during the last twenty years can be divided into four periods. 这种文化革命的统一战线,二十年来,分为四个时期。
- Do you have any family stories about what it was like during the Cultural Revolution? 能谈谈文化大革命期间,发生在你们家人身上的故事吗?
- Child-delivery tools used by Bare-foot Doctor in county during the Cultural Revolution. 过去农村赤脚医生使用的接生工具。
- I first came here in 1976. At that time it was the end of the Cultural Revolution. 我第一次来中国的时候是1976年,文化大革命刚刚结束。
- Not until she got rid of the Cultural Revolution did Chinabegin to open to the world. 中国是在摆脱了文化大革命后才向世界敞开国门的。