- astronomy in the Dunhuang manuscripts 敦煌文献天文学
- About the Dunhuang Manuscript S.964 敦煌文书S964的定名及所涉兵员身份
- About the Dunhuang Manuscript S. 4654"the Poems of Mogaoku Travels" S.;4654晚唐《莫高窟纪游诗》新探
- Xi - Zhou's Situation after 9th Century: Date to the Uighur Wooden Slip from Turfan and the Sha- Zhou Uighur Based on the Dunhuang Manuscripts 从敦煌文献看9世纪后的西州--兼论吐鲁番出土回鹘文木杵文书年代和沙州回鹘的兴衰
- Flying in from the Dunhuang frescoes came out. 飞天已从敦煌壁画中走了出来。
- Usually, readers are not allowed to take photographs of Dunhuang manuscripts. 敦煌写本的复制或拍照是严格限制的。
- the Dunhuang manuscripts 敦煌文书
- The Dunhuang chart is the oldest manuscript star map in the world and one of the most valuable treasures in astronomy. 这幅敦煌星象图是世界上最古老的星象图手稿,是天文学家上个最有价值的珍宝。
- The Dunhuang frescoes are gems of ancient Chinese art. 敦煌壁画是我国古代艺术中的瑰宝。
- The first painter of the Dunhuang Murals was a monk named Lezun. 敦煌莫高窟的第一位开拓者是乐樽和尚。
- Most of the Dunhuang Murals depict Buddhist stories. 敦煌壁画所表现的大都是佛教内容,
- The authenticity of the manuscript is beyond doubt. 手稿的真实性是毋庸置疑的。
- The Dunhuang Mogao grottoes is surely a shining pearl on the Silk Road. 丝路明珠敦煌莫高窟
- Zhaijing of Dunhuang Manuscripts 敦煌写本宅经
- Huanhuan in the head decoration from the Dunhuang murals flame patterns. 欢欢的头部纹饰源自敦煌壁画中火焰的纹样。
- The manuscript requires an expert to understand it. 这份手稿只有专家才看得懂。
- Most of the Dunhuang MSS are now scattered in various foreign countries. 敦煌经卷现已大多流散国外。
- The editing of the manuscript is now in hand. 这部手稿的编辑工作现在已经开始。
- The editor has read over the manuscript. 编辑已审阅过这篇稿件。
- The illumination of the manuscript is delicate. 这个手稿的装饰很精致。