- When the Joneses Can't Keep Up: We should worry about the effects on society as a whole when members of the educated elite think they are grossly underpaid. 荒芜化的上海文化生态:看了以后,对上海的文化现状会有更深的了解吧,可以引发思考哈!
- He was elected chairman of the education committee. 他当选为教育委员会主任委员。
- Many reforms must be made to the education system. 教育体制要作许多改革。
- Aldous Huxley Only the educated are free. 只有受教育的人是自由的。
- He's on the education committee. 他是教育委员会委员。
- Correct speech is an earmark of the educated man. 谈吐得体是受过教育的标志。
- the educated elite 受过良好教育的英才
- In fact, a variation of European rationalism had made great gains among America's educated elite, as we saw earlier. 事实上,一种变体的欧洲理性主义吸引了许多美国的菁英知识分子,我们前面提到过这一点。
- Reforming the education system will be a difficult process. 改革教育制度将是一个艰难的过程。
- The man who can make hard things easy is the educator. 能使艰难之事变得容易的人是教育者。
- She established a commission to suggest improvements in the educational system. 她组织了一个研究组,为改进教育制度提供建议。
- Father has an eye to the education of his boy. 父亲非常注意儿子的教育问题。
- The repairs to the school will be financed by the educational department. 学校的修缮将由教育部门出资。
- We should attend to the education of young people. 我们应当关心年轻人的教育问题。
- He has an eye to the education of the boy. 他对这个孩子的教育非常注意。
- I have the education of young girls in charge. 我负责照管女孩子们的教育。
- Do you have friends in the educational set? 你在教育界有朋友吗?
- You can't equate the education system of Britain to that of Germany. 不能把英国教育制度与德国教育制度等同起来。
- IV. To accelerate the educational system reform. 第四,加快教育体制改革。
- There is a sharp contrast between the educated and the uneducated. 在受过教育的人与文盲之间有着明显的对比。