- Intentionality is a philosopher's concept originally researched thoroughly in mental philosophy, which later was used in the philosophy of language. 意向性首先是精神哲学研究最为深入的哲学概念,后来被语言哲学家用到语言哲学的研究之中。
- Formerly the research on Walter Benjamin was centered on his concept of language, his understanding of the philosophy of history and his insight into literary criticism. 很长一段时间以来,对本雅明的研究都集中在他的语言观,历史哲学观以及文学批评上。
- At Berkeley Mr.Chen studied under John Searle, an American philosopher widely noted for his contributions to the philosophy of language and philosophy of mind. 在伯克莱大学的时候我读了约翰塞尔的课程, 他被称为当今最有影响力的精神哲学家之一。
- Conceivability argument's challenge to materialism still remains, whose discussion involves some key topics in the philosophy of language and in metaphysics. 可想象性论证对物理主义的挑战依然存在,对这一论证的探讨涉及一些语言哲学与形而上学中的重要课题。
- It is the philosophy of human progress is our day. 它是我们时代人类进步的哲学。
- The transition from Husserl's Philosophy of Awareness to Wittgenstein's Philosophy of Language represents concretely the change of Paradigmata in the history of the philosophy. 从胡塞尔意识哲学到维特根斯坦语言哲学的过渡具体地体现了哲学史上的范式转换。
- She introduced me to the philosophy of yoga. 她向我介绍了瑜珈哲学。
- In the philosophy of Hegel,absolute truth. 黑格尔哲学中的绝对真理。
- The philosophy of mind by Searle, John R. 意识哲学。
- International Studies in the Philosophy of Science. 国际科学哲学研究。
- Issues in the philosophy of science. 科学哲学经典选读
- The philosophy of Auguste Comte;positivism. 康德哲学,实证哲学奥古斯特 康德的哲学;实证主义
- He believed in the philosophy of Russell. 他信奉罗素的哲学。
- Semiotics and the Philosophy of Language 符号学与语言的哲学
- Speech acts: an essay in the philosophy of language 言语行为:语言哲学论
- The philosophy of the prisoners during their worst sufferings impressed even their captors. 俘虏们在最困苦时仍处之泰然,连捉住他们的人都深有感触。
- He knew very little about the philosophy of aircraft designing. 他对飞机设计原理知之甚少。
- the philosophy of language in English-speaking world 英美语言哲学
- It is the philosophy of human progress. 它是我们时代人类进步的哲学。
- The philosophy of Auguste Comte; positivism. 康德哲学,实证哲学奥古斯特·康德的哲学;实证主义