- The southern areas are in a temperate zone. 南部地区属于温带。
- The scenery is very beautiful in the southern areas. 江南一带景色非常秀丽。
- People's sacrifice to Taibo in the southern areas of Jiangsu was simply to worship their ancestors and had nothing to do with Taibo's virtues. 江南民间对泰伯的祭祀和崇拜,最初只是最单纯的先祖崇拜,与泰伯本人的德行无关。
- Vineyards at the base of the Los Andes mountain range, in the southern areas of Curico, Maule, and Itata, were where the Chardonnay was grown. 葡萄园位于安第斯山脉脚下。葡萄来自于库里科山谷、米埔山谷和伊特塔山谷的南部区域。
- "From our study it seems that [the skating] happened particularly in the southern area of Finland where there are many small lakes," Dr Formenti said. “通过我们研究发现,这种滑冰鞋在遍布湖泊的芬兰南部地区很可能尤其盛行。”
- The article ascends to the history of regarding the ferry as the pace in the southern area to the Suzhou and Zhejiang, and chases its origins. 文章追溯了我国苏浙以南广大地区谓“渡口”为“步”的历史存在,进而追溯其来源。
- Haemaphysalis bispinosis and Ixodes granulatus were proved to be important vectors of B.b.s.l. in the southern area of China. 我国北方林区莱姆病螺旋体的主要生物媒介是全沟硬蜱,南方林区二棘血蜱和粒形硬蜱是重要的生物媒介。
- Pockets of quippers (fresh-water piranhas) frequented the southern areas of the channel, but for some reason they never ventured into the deeper waters of the narrow sea. 这片水域创造了贯穿了海的中心地带的一系列岛屿,在他们彼此之间是浅水区。大型船只不可能不搁浅而通过有效地将海分成两部分的海峡。
- In the southern areas, most of the rain falls in the April to October period, which approximates to the growing season, although in some southern areas moisture is also stored through fallowing. 如表3所示,澳大利亚小麦产量的历史变化趋势表明了农业措施对土壤肥力的影响。
- In order to unify the southern areas, the Wei State committed itself to develop water-forces all the time, but saw very slow progress owing to its geographic conditions and skills of shipbuilding. 曹魏虽为统一南方而始终致力于水军发展,但限于地域、造船技术等原因,水军发展缓慢,水军作战能力不强。
- A constellation in the Southern Hemisphere. 显微镜座南半球星空的一个星座
- They live in the southern area. 他们住在南部地区。
- The frontier ranges from the northern hills to the southern coast. 边界从北部山地一直延伸到南部海岸。
- Xingtai mountain area,belonging to the southern area of Mt.Taihang ranges,is situated in the southwest part of Hebei Province. There are 823 species of wild seed plants,which belong to 93 families and 393 genera in area. 邢台西部山地位于河北太行山脉南段,共有野生种子植物93科、393属、823种。
- KPMG also points to the fact that in the southern area of Luanda vast tracts of land that have thus far lain unused are now the locatio of real estate developments, sho ing malls and light industry. 毕马威还指出,罗安达南部长期未开发利用的广阔土地目前正用于房地产开发、建设大型购物中心及轻工业。
- No student in this school is from the southern part of Taiwan. 这个学校没有一个学生是来自南台湾的。
- Techniques for high-yield culture about basic seedlings and fertilizer levels were studied by using Yixiang No.10-a hybrid rice breed as the material in the southern area of Sichuan Province in 2007. 摘要以优质香型杂交水稻宜香10号为材料,于2007年在四川南部针对宜香10号的基本苗、施肥水平的高产栽培技术进行了试验研究。
- The frontier range from the northern hill to the southern coast. 边界从北部山地一直延伸到南部海岸。
- A snowstorm is barreling in and should reach southern areas by Monday. 一场暴风雪正呼啸而来,星期一将到达南部地区。
- Only in the southern part of Taiwan have I seen such scenery as this. 唯有在南台湾我才见过像这样的风景。