- the tao about human beings 人道
- They show a recent discovery about human beings on TV. 电视里播放了关于人类的一项最新发现。
- Nobody believes in the myth about human beings becoming immortals. 谁也不相信人能成仙的神话。
- Concern about human beings and humanity. 主要关注于人、人性、人文等。
- The human being manifests the Tao. The Tao doesn't manifest the human being. 人能弘道,非道弘人。
- What saddens me most is when I read about human beings ill-treating other human beings. 使我最难过的是,当我读到关于人类如何虐待其他人类。
- After learning the animals'communication way. Let's talk about human communication. How do we human beings communicate? 在学完动物的信息交流方式后,让我们讨论一下人类的交流。人类如何交流呢?
- The marvellous thing about human beings is that we perpetually reaching for the stars. 人类的精彩之处是我们永远伸着手想摘星星。
- After disenchantment, making an appeal to the value of the emancipation of human beings, Marx found the new idea about human rights, which shows the characteristics of Marxist. 祛魅之后,马克思诉诸“人类解放”这一价值旨趣,开创出彰显马克思主义特色的新人权观。
- Human form serves many purposes within the Tao. 人类形体服务于道内许多意图。
- The Bible says nothing, anywhere, about human beings having "immortal souls". It always talks about the body being raised from the dead. 圣经在任何地方都没有说过人类有“不朽的灵魂”。它始终谈论身体要从死亡中被复活。
- Much of this is due to patterns in the Tao of which earth and humanity are not at cause of. 这一状况的大部分原因,是由于道中那些并非由地球和人类制造的模式所造成的。
- Is the Tao in a video game?" continued the novice. 也在游戏机里?”,初学者又问到。
- Humans are a vastly capable species that was cast by the Tao to aid troubled creations and creators in finding their way home when distortion hits in any cycle. 人类是一个极赋能力的物种,是当任何周期中出现扭曲时由道投铸来协助有问题的造物和造物者找到回家之路的。
- So I will call it the Tao of Programming. 编程之道去如黄鹤来如晨风。
- The understanding of the views about human being is facilitativeto the understanding of the nation's history and status quo as well as the promotion of nation building. 认识孟荀人论,有助于认识民族的历史和现状,促进民族自新自强。
- And is the Tao in the DOS for a personal computer? 也存在于个人计算机的DOS里吗?
- On the other hand, many other claims about human uniqueness, such as that human were the only animals to use tools or to fabricate them, have turned out to be false. 另外一方面,很多人认为人类是独一无二的,比如说人类是唯一的“动物”可以使用和发明工具,然而这一切说法后来被证实是错误的。
- Is the Tao in a video game?"continued the novice. 也在游戏机里?",初学者又问到。
- Speeches distinguish human beings from animals. 人类和动物的区别在于人会说话。