- The time now is 10:00 p, m, sharp. 现在的时间是晚上10点整。
- All times are GMT -4. The time now is 07:42 AM. 请问现在插班可以吗?学制是多长时间的呢?
- All times are GMT -5. The time now is 02:15 AM. 补充一下,时间是从现在起到8月底的。
- The time now is 10:00 p,m, sharp. 现在的时间是晚上10点整。
- The time now is five minutes past fourteen. 现在的时间是十四点五分。
- Let bygone be bygone,Let's cherish the time now. 过去不重要,现在才是一切。
- All times are GMT -4. The time now is 10:26 PM. 补充一下,时间是从现在起到8月底的。
- I have to watch him all the time now that he's toddling. 现在他蹒跚学步,我得一刻不离地盯着他。
- All times are GMT +13. The time now is 15:41. 真的是,现在电脑花了我所有的钱!!
- The science books of 60 years ago are behind the times now. 六十年前的科技书籍都已过时了。
- Little Mary can now tell the time. 小玛丽现在会认钟了。
- She'd be appalled to see how I live most of the time now, just soup and sandwiches and a meat dish here and there. 她要是看到我现在是怎么生活的一定会吓破胆的,只不过是汤和三明治,还有这儿那儿的一盘肉。
- "I feel my life thenceforth begins to become successful, arrive smoothly all the time now. “我感觉我的人生从那时开始变得顺利,一直顺利到现在。”
- I'm sick of being piggy in the middle all the time. 我腻烦了总是夹在争吵双方的中间。
- Have you made sure of the time of the train? 火车开车时间你搞清楚了吗?
- She also throws up to me the time I get drunk. 她还反复向我提我那次喝醉酒的事情。
- I'll make sure of the time of the flight. 我要核实一下这班飞机的时间。
- She stopped by just to pass the time of day. 她来串门只是为了打发时间。
- By the time we arrived the meeting was over. 我们到达时,会议已结束了。
- The party was wellnigh over by the time we arrived. 我们到达时,聚会差不多快结束了。