- It is an edifice of the transition period. 巴黎圣母院是一种过渡性的建筑物。
- What will the transition period lead to, socialism or capitalism? 过渡时期,是向社会主义发展,还是向资本主义发展?
- What will the government do after the transition period of WTO? WTO五周年 政府该做什么
- Adolescence is the transition period between childhood and manhood. 青春期是儿童和成人阶段的过渡时期。
- The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant. 穿裤子的巨大黑豹度过了心脏移植的过度期。
- So how can we not be concerned about the reserves during the transition period? 过渡时期我们不过问储备金行吗?
- We shall be paying close attention to developments in HongKong during the transition period. 我们非常关注香港的过渡时期。
- Both security operations went smoothly and the favourable law and order situation in Hong Kong was maintained throughout the transition period. 两项盛事的保安工作均十分顺利,香港在过渡期内的治安维持良好。
- The longer the transition period, the longer the existing political problems would drag on. 过渡时间愈长,现时的政治问题拖延得愈久。
- The gigantic panther in pants passed the transition period of heart transplant . 穿裤子的巨大黑豹度过了心脏移植的过度期.
- Interval training can help you during the transition period between one exercise program and another. 间歇训练可以帮助你从一种训练程序过渡到另一种。
- As s result of the social condition in the transition period, criminalization will go on. 转型期社会现实决定了我国的犯罪化进程仍将继续。
- The frontal examination in this near-term infant shows mild hyperexpansion during the transition period. 这是一张近早产儿的胸部正位片检查,我们可见这个过渡时期肺部中度扩张。
- We hope no problems will crop up during the transition period, but we must be prepared for any that may arise despite our wishes. 我们希望过渡时期不出现问题,但必须准备可能会出现一些不以我们意志为转移的问题。
- I shall pass over the matter of the transitional period. 对过渡期的事,我不会放在心上的。
- The transit was damaged by flood. 运输线被洪水破坏了。
- When I talked with some British guests, I said I hoped that certain problems would not arise in Hong Kong during the transition period. 我跟英国人谈的时候,也讲了在过渡时期希望不要出现的几个问题。
- The Party's general line for the transition period is to build a great socialist country,which must be guaranteed through maintaining proper finances. 党在过渡时期的总路线就是要建立一个伟大的社会主义国家,财政要保证这一点。
- We hope no problems will crop up during the transition period,but we must be prepared for any that may arise despite our wishes. 我们希望过渡时期不出现问题,但必须准备可能会出现一些不以我们意志为转移的问题。
- The transitional period before the industrial phase lasted about 100 years. 朝工业经济阶段的过渡则用了大约一百年。