- theme song composition 主题歌创作
- The programme has a very good theme song. 这个节目有一首很好的主题歌。
- And it's my mom's theme song too XD! 从以前就很爱这首歌,真的好好听 !
- This theme song makes the whole movie a lot better. 这首主题歌为整部影片添彩了。
- A good theme song adds much colour to a TV series. 一曲优美的主题歌能给电视剧增色不少。
- Celion Dion hit the jackpot by singing the theme song of Titanic. 席林?迪翁因唱《泰坦尼克号》主题曲而红遍全球。
- Wallace Huo's Somebody MV, theme song from the 100% senorita drama. 元若蓝-星海歌迷网-命中注定我爱你!99次我爱他-半情歌!星海歌迷网!
- You can feel the WCG Spirit throught WCG theme song. 透过整首WCG主题曲,你能感觉到"WCG精神"!
- NCIS theme song is written and performed by numeriklab. 之前的一场婚姻还为他留下2个儿子。
- I wrote the lyrics and Harry composed the music for a theme song. 我为主题曲写了词,哈利谱的曲。
- A crispier Red Cliff theme song by a Tibetan singer. 翻天覆地携手浪逐浪 千杯不醉只醉月光 会心一笑不...
- Let's end the interview with the theme song of a famous film Schindler's List. 最后以一首电影歌曲结束对他的采访。
- Hillary Rodham Clinton wants YouTube viewers to pick her campaign theme song. 希拉里?罗德汉姆?克林顿想让YouTube的用户们帮她挑选一首竞选主题曲。
- Of nearly fifty orchestral accompaniment vocal works, Gustav Mahler's song composition reveals his great literary and spectacular musical interpretation skills. 马勒创作的近五十首管弦乐伴奏声乐曲中,可说是最能展现马勒文学素养与音乐诠释功力的精品。
- The album is currently being sold with the single "Huo Yuanjia", the theme song of the movie "Fearless". 该专辑最近携单曲《霍元甲》(电影《霍元甲》主题歌)继续大卖。
- This theme song of the 1998 World Cup became a worldwide smash hit. Ricky Martin was popular overnight. 这首1998年世界杯的主题歌,在全世界引起轰动。瑞奇·马丁一夜成名。
- The pride of many Singaporeans and NTU, Stefanie had twice been chosen to perform the official theme song for National Day. 另一方面,孙燕姿也曾经两度获选演唱新加坡国庆主题歌,这是许多新加坡人与南洋理工大学的荣耀。
- Original theme song to the anime series "Coyote Ragtime Show" features a jazzy ska sound. 原声的主题音乐将电影的寻宝探险,连环追杀,故事主人公的曲折经历尽显无遗!
- New single release from Tackey &Tsubasa and the theme song to anime series "One Piece...... 2007年的相关专辑:总记录数:1总页数:1当前页:1首页上一页1下一页末页