- Theoretical innovation based on practice precedes social development and changes. 实践基础上的理论创新是社会发展和变革的先导。
- Uphold Deng Xiaoping Theory as our guide and constantly Bring forth theoretical innovation. 坚持以邓小平理论为指导,不断推进理论创新。
- It has given expression to our Party's tremendous courage to persist in making theoretical innovation and keeping pace with the times. 体现了我们党坚持理论创新、与时俱进的巨大勇气。
- Theoretical innovation is the innate quality of Marxism,and it is also a reguler sustained process. 理论创新是马克思主义的本质要求,是经常的和持续的过程。
- Furthermore, the emancipation of the mind, as a means and an object of theoretical innovation, is a continuous process. 再次,解放思想永远处在过程之中,它是理论创新的手段也是目的。
- The theoretical innovation of Marxist philosophy in China involves innovation in form and content. 中国化马克思主义哲学的理论创新包括内容和形式的双重创新。
- The theoretic innovation of the "Three representatives" "三个代表"重要思想的理论创新
- Theoretical innovation is omnibearing,including the innovation of concept of education,subject system,contents and method of education,and ... 理论创新是全方位的,包括教育观念、学科体系、教学内容、教育教学方法等的创新。
- The proposal of constructing a socialist harmonious society is a new important theoretical innovation of Communist Party of China. 摘要构建社会主义和谐社会这一命题的提出,是中国共产党人又一重大的理论创新。
- Innovation includes theoretical innovation, institutional innovation, IOST, cultural innovation and other aspects of innovation. 创新,包括理论创新、制度创新、科技创新、文化创新及其他各方面的创新。
- The three highlights of CEE in WISC are: the national expansion of WISC model;fruitful theoretical innovation;scientific and rigid management system. 武钢的继续工程教育有三大亮点:一是"武钢模式"扩及全国;二是理论创新硕果累累;三是科学严谨的管理制度。
- In recent years because of the insufficiency in theoretical innovation, Chinese theoretical economics has gone to a crossroad and its developing direction is not definite. 近年来,由于理论创新不足,中国理论经济学走到了一个十字路口,发展方向不明。
- Surpassing the all the hitherto Confucian thoughts,Zhu Xi's philosophical thought on "benevolence"("ren") is a theoretical innovation on the inheriting and developing basis. 朱熹“仁”学思想内涵超越了以往儒家传统的内容,是在继承、发展基础上的理论创新。
- This paper holds that to further the reform of cultural system must start from theoretical innovation and solve the "dead-end" problems from the furthermost point - the d... 深化文化体制改革,还必须从理论创新入手,从文化体制设计的源头上解开改革过程中的一些"死扣"难题。
- Technical transformation and theoretic innovation of economic research 技术变革与经济学研究的理论创新
- On the Status and Effect of Theoretic Innovation in "the Rule of Virtue" 试论理论创新在"以德治国"中的地位和作用
- The Latest Achievement and Outstanding Model of Theoretic Innovation 理论创新的最新成果和杰出典范
- Anesthesia was a great innovation in medicine. 麻醉是一项伟大的医学创新。
- Meanwhile, this article also reiterates the author's viewpoint expressed repeatedly over recent years that the further development of historiography must rely on theoretical innovation. 在当前史学界提倡“有意义之历史研究”是哈贝马斯所给予我们的最为重要和最有意义的启示。
- The motivities of building China's corporatism civil society come from the governmental impetus, the incessant development of market economy and the theoretical innovation of academia. 构建法团主义公民社会的动力源于政府的推动、市场经济的持续发展和学术界的理论创新。