- The rise in the Party's ideological and theoretical level is an ideological guarantee for continued progress of the cause of our Party and state. 党在思想理论上的提高,是党和国家事业不断发展的思想保证。
- At the theoretical level, there is an intrinsic conflict between EJ and non-Anthropocentric environmentalism. 在理论的层次,环境正义与根源于自然中心主义的环境主义间,存在著难解的矛盾。
- Thus causes this article to continue pauses in the theoretical level, moreover has the certain actual operation value. 从而使本文不止停留在理论水平,而且具有一定实际操作价值。
- Yet even here there is discussion; it has been difficult to reconcile gravitation with quantum mechanics at the theoretical level. 但是即使在这里也有争论;在理论级上协调万有引力定律与量子力学一直是很困难的。
- The method has the advantages o f having a higher theoretical level, being clearer in concept and more simple i n operation. 所述方法,理论性强,概念清楚明潦,试验操作简便,结果正确可靠。
- At a theoretical level this requires us to specify the properties of the data type by mathematical axioms involving the possible operations. 在理论的层面这要求我们通过数学公理和适当的操作来指定这种数据类型的属性。
- Objective Toimprove nurses' theoretical level and practical competence,and to improve the quality of nursing through organizing reading report meeting. 目的通过组织读书报告会提高护理人员的理论水平及实践能力,从而提高临床护理质量。
- The degeneration of the Comintern is most crudely expressed by the fact that it has dropped to the theoretical level of the Second International. 共产国际的蜕化在其理论上降到第二国际的水平这一点上表现得最为露骨。
- The ruling capability of Party is the comprehensive embodiment of the theoretical level, leading level and self construction level of Party in power. 摘要党的执政能力是执政党理论水平、领导水平和党自身建设水平的综合体现。
- The study of China’s civil noncontentious proceedings, whether at the theoretical level or in the system level seem extremely important. 对我国民事非讼程序的研究,无论是在理论层面还是在制度层面都显得极为重要。
- Through cooperation and communication with international CSR organizations, CFCSR will widen the channel of gaining resources and promote the theoretical level of ourselves. 同盟通过与国际CSR组织机构的广泛合作和交流,拓宽资源的来源渠道,提升自身的理论水平。
- For she enhances her feminist thought to a theoretical level, which includes women's history and literary history, women's writing, androgyny, lesbianism, etc. 她的女性主义思想是性别差异思想指导下的女性历史观、女性文学史观、女性写作、雌雄同体、女同性恋等构成的理论共同体。
- But at the theoretical level, the unsystematical and incomprehensive researches on the relationships among schools, society and families lack maneuverability. 但在理论研究上,对学校、社会和家庭三者的关系研究不够系统和全面,也缺乏可操作性;
- It is considered that NCW has transformed from practical to theoretical level, and has been used for instructing the practice, which in turn makes it perfected. 认为网络中心战已完成从实践到理论的飞跃,目前已开始在指导实践,并不断完善;
- Manichaeism was used in peasant uprising.Peasant uprising in Song Dynasty attained unprecedent theoretical level, but had unmuture organization and centripetal propagation. 宋代秘密宗教农民起义,达到了前所未有的理论水平,但组织还不成熟,传播方式还是向心式传播,基本上还处于一个初级阶段。
- The way out of the dilemma lies in the favorable give and take between science and bioethics on the theoretical level and strengthening the construction of bioethical commit... 走出生命伦理的两难困境,在理念层面要促进科学与伦理的良性互动;在实践层面要切实加强生命伦理委员会建设,但两难困境不会消失。
- However, in exploring the theoretical bases of CLT, the inconsistencies and confusions are noticed at the theoretical level of both language itself and its learning. 他们的学说对外语教学产生了重要的影响,为后人的研究提供更为完整的理论框架。
- The achievement in psychology is expre ssed mainly at the positive level and theoretical level, especially at the posit ive level while the commonsense level has been seriously neglected. 心理学在过去所取得的成就主要表现在实证水平和理论水平上,尤其是实证水平,而常识水平被严重地忽略了。
- To overcome the undesirable tendencies we have described,it is absolutely necessary to raise the Marxist-Leninist theoretical level of the whole Party,for Marxism-Leninism alone is the compass which can guide the Chinese revolution to victory. 为了达到克服上述这些不良倾向的目的,在全党中提高马克思列宁主义的理论水平是完全必要的,因为只有这种理论,才是引导中国革命走向胜利的指南针。
- We should boycott all the wares of subjectivism, sectarianism and stereotyped Party writing, make their sale difficult, and not allow their purveyors to ply their trade by exploiting the low theoretical level in the Party. 一切主观主义、宗派主义、党八股的货色,我们都要抵制,使它们在市场上销售困难,不要让它们利用党内理论水平低,出卖自己那一套。