- Application of Theory of Dynamic Programming for Maintenance Decision-making of Freeways Network 动态规划原理在高速公路网级养护决策中的应用
- theory of dynamic programming 动态程序设计理论
- In the traditional NCC basic gray correlation function of the measure on the basis of dynamic programming optimization theory will be introduced to the match, improved matching speed and accuracy. 在传统的NCC基本灰度相关度测度函数的基础上,将动态规划优化理论引入到匹配中,提高了匹配的速度和准确度。
- The theory of tidal friction is the concern of dynamic oceanography. 潮夕摩擦理论是海洋动力学的课题。
- It has the characteristics of dynamic programming,which are the theoretical basis of dynamic programming applied in mineral resources planing. 这一特性是动态规划在矿产资源规划中应用的理论基础。
- Aim at this problem,this article constructs the model about radar jamming resource distribution of warship,which established with the theory of multi-objective fuzzy optimum dynamic programming. 在现代海战中,需干扰的敌目标雷达多而我方雷达干扰资源有限是电子战军官面临的一个棘手问题。
- The effectiveness of dynamic programming algorithm depends on problems with the nature of optimal substructure and over-lapping subproblems. 动态规划算法的有效性依赖于问题本身具有最优子结构性质和子问题重叠性质。
- With the help of dynamic programming method, the multistage decision problem on surface water and groundwater is analysed in this paper. 本文借助动态规划理论,分析了地表水与地下水统筹管理的多阶段决策问题。
- In this paper based on the theory of dynamics of construction,the some frames of the paper machines were analyzed for dynamic response with finite dement program. 根据结构动力学理论,应用有限元程序,对新、老纸机机架进行动态响应分析,以限定影响成品纸质量关键点的动态响应值为准则,提出高速纸机机架结构形式。
- Einstein put forward his new theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦提出了相对论的新学说。
- As the principal part of“ third generation corpus”, the theory of dynamic circulating corpus is based on“ circulation” and“ intuition”. 动态流通语料库理论是第三代语料库研究的基本理论。
- Einstein's theory of relativity. 爱因斯坦的相对论。
- This thesis applies Nida’s theory of dynamic equivalence to the study of audiovisual translation, especially in the mode of subtitling. 本文把奈达的动态对等理论应用于影视翻译,尤其探讨与分析了字幕片的翻译。
- Do you agree to the wave theory of light? 你同意光的波动理论吗?
- He cavalierly dismisses the theory of both Freud and Jung. 他傲慢武断地斥贬佛洛依德和杨格二人的理论。
- DBC algorithm has low accuracy and high calculation cost.To solve the problem, a modified DBC algorithm is presented based on the idea of dynamic programming and residual error analysis. 针对差分盒算法计算精度不高和计算量大等问题,基于动态规划和残差分析的思想,提出了改进的差分盒分形维数计算方法。
- Darwin put forth the theory of evolution,. 达尔文提出了进化论。
- This is the first main crux of dynamic theory. 这是动态学说第一个主要的难题。
- The authors introduce the basic theory of dynamic light scattering(DLS). The basis components of experimental system are introduced,and the major things are the laser,PMT and digital correlation. 阐述了动态光散射法测量微小微粒粒径的原理;介绍了动态光散射实验系统的几个主要的组成部分;主要有激光器、光电倍增管、数字相关器.
- This paper introduces the basic theory of dynamic constraint satisfaction problem(DCSP),classifies the DCSP and makes the frame of analysis of the DCSP based on that,then gives an example of its application to Job_Shop problem. 论文系统地论述了动态约束满足技术的基本理论与方法,建立了动态约束满足技术的基本分析框架,给出了动态约束满足在Job-Shop问题中的应用实例。